So I was given a driver portal log in from Werner to read through pre-orientation information, forms to fill out, benefits, etc. Also gives you the company polices, handbook, etc.
They have a list of immediate terminable offenses and one was a NO U turn policy? Can someone give me some insight on this? I don't recall reading anything that says its illegal for 18 wheelers to make this maneuver unless there is signage stating it.
Is this just considered a dangerous/ safety issue? I know you can't just whip a u turn anywhere.
Let me tell u I drove for Werner for 3 yrs and when they say no u turns they mean it,if u get stuck for any reason and call the police to help u out,even if there was no accident u will be charge with a safety violation and they will fire you,find a safe place were to turn around and be safe,Werner has eyes everywere believe me they will find out sooner then u think.Be Safe.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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U-Turn in big rig and.... your fired! ??
Let me tell u I drove for Werner for 3 yrs and when they say no u turns they mean it,if u get stuck for any reason and call the police to help u out,even if there was no accident u will be charge with a safety violation and they will fire you,find a safe place were to turn around and be safe,Werner has eyes everywere believe me they will find out sooner then u think.Be Safe.