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Posted:  9 years, 11 months ago

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Post Accident Drug Testing

Pam, this is one of those circumstances where it sure would have been helpful if you would have let us know what was going on before you made any career-altering decisions. Getting terminated for a refusal to take a drug test is about the worst thing that could have happened for your career. Unless you can get this removed from your record I don't know how you're going to find another job. It's going to be next to impossible.

The first course of action is to try like mad to get this worked out with Swift. I have no idea if that's possible or not. If it is, get back there and get to work. If you can't get re-hired there then try to make sure they don't list this as a failed drug test. Again, I really have no idea what your chances are of making that happen.

I'm afraid at this point there isn't much we can do except cheer you on and hope things work out for the best.


According to DOT-No Refusal. Had my own 5-panel hair follicle test done at LabCorp. Negative on all five.

Swift admits lots of confusion and unclear on their part, but employment verification will show discharge for refusal. Still working on it.

Posted:  9 years, 11 months ago

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Beyond the Cover


Has anyone had a chance to read this? Found it by accident. Am enthralled. My kind of guy!!


Such an honest and comical view about trucking (so far), I highly recommend.

Reading it on my phone.

Author: Jason Kent.

Such a good read so far. Educational too. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

Posted:  9 years, 11 months ago

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Beyond the Cover

Has anyone had a chance to read this? Found it by accident. Am enthralled. My kind of guy!!

Such an honest and comical view about trucking (so far), I highly recommend.

Reading it on my phone.

Posted:  9 years, 11 months ago

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Beyond the Cover

Has anyone had a chance to read this? Found it by accident. Am enthralled. My kind of guy!!

Posted:  9 years, 11 months ago

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2 week notice with Schneider

Right, but also consider that you only have 2 months experience so maybe your trip planning skills aren't very good. There's almost always time to take a short nap, you just have to make time for it. I don't belief there's an excuse for not getting your proper rest. I mean, you're given 10 hours each day to use for resting. Sure, an hour or two is used for other things but that's still 8 hours to sleep. I ran 3,650 miles last week and I felt fine. Use that 10 hours cautiously and maximum your sleeping time.

No company can afford for their drivers to be late all the time. Your local company will be just as strict if not more strict about this. The grass isn't always greener on the other side.

Your trip planning will get better in time.

No kidding. Trip planning really means double checking your dispatcher's work. They know what the customer needs. Drivers are the middle man. It's ultimately up to the driver, as the Captain of the ship, to see if it can be done.

I wouldn't want a dispatcher's job and I'm equally sure they wouldn't want mine.

Two heads are better than one. Maybe that's why they created the macro om Qualcomm on whether to accept or reject.

Think it through. Make sure you can deliver before you start counting the cash. Refusal isn't always bad.

Posted:  9 years, 11 months ago

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Post Accident Drug Testing





from the perspective you have refused to take the drug test. its that simple.

no matter what the law is... if you sign a contract or acknowledge a companies standards... as long as they fall within in the law or more strict they are perfectly in the right of way to protect theirself.

the best thing to do now is to be a busy bee. if you are clean go prove it. eat crow. beg them to not put it on your DAC if they havent already. if worse comes to worse, buy a truck a find a broker.



Non-DOT required refusal is not a refusal with no consequences from dot. It will not go on my DAC. Their internal records will reflect refusal. It was a complicated situation. I'm just asking if their records will hurt me in the future.


I didnt see that post until after I had already posted. and as you can see from y firest reply I accidently hit submit so... mistakes are made by all of us.

If you didnt really refuse, why would you let them say you refused? even if its not on your DAC.

I would ask for my job back.

That's what I'm trying to find out. What's that old saying "a bird in the hand is better than 2 in the bush". Something like that.

Posted:  9 years, 11 months ago

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Post Accident Drug Testing


from the perspective you have refused to take the drug test. its that simple.

no matter what the law is... if you sign a contract or acknowledge a companies standards... as long as they fall within in the law or more strict they are perfectly in the right of way to protect theirself.

the best thing to do now is to be a busy bee. if you are clean go prove it. eat crow. beg them to not put it on your DAC if they havent already. if worse comes to worse, buy a truck a find a broker.

Non-DOT required refusal is not a refusal with no consequences from dot. It will not go on my DAC. Their internal records will reflect refusal. It was a complicated situation. I'm just asking if their records will hurt me in the future.

Posted:  9 years, 11 months ago

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Salado, TX Bridge Accident

First of all my heart and prayers go out to the young man who lost his life in that tragic situation. So sad.

It's always the driver's fault, but I went under that bridge on March 7. DOT said there were 3 signs posted, but I only saw 1. It was about 8" high and 3 foot long on the right side of the road. It said. "LOW CLEARANCE AHEAD 13'-6". I started slowing down and getting as far to the right of the right lane (low side of the road) cause if I hit a piece of gravel underneath I might hit the bridge. This alone could cause an accident. I remembered thinking did I miss the stand back there passing out the Vaseline to lather the top of my trailer down to get under.

Not what a driver expects to see on a major interstate. 13-6.

When I saw the accident pics online something was different. Took a minute then I knew. Concrete barriers were there that weren't there when I went through.

Now there's a height hazard as well as left and right. I don't think the tiny signs were enough. Attenuator trailer sign warning drivers as well as public would have been better.

We see the signs but the public doesn't. Proper warning would have slowed everyone down. It was a very dangerous situation. With cars buzzing around, construction workers and equipment. Looking at width of barriers ahead, I can see how he could have missed the dinky little sign.

Keep your eyes open my friends!!

Posted:  9 years, 11 months ago

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I can't drive 55

Drive in California. They'll love you. I had to really watch my speed governed at 62!!!

Posted:  9 years, 11 months ago

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Post Accident Drug Testing


Pam, this is one of those circumstances where it sure would have been helpful if you would have let us know what was going on before you made any career-altering decisions. Getting terminated for a refusal to take a drug test is about the worst thing that could have happened for your career. Unless you can get this removed from your record I don't know how you're going to find another job. It's going to be next to impossible.

The first course of action is to try like mad to get this worked out with Swift. I have no idea if that's possible or not. If it is, get back there and get to work. If you can't get re-hired there then try to make sure they don't list this as a failed drug test. Again, I really have no idea what your chances are of making that happen.

I'm afraid at this point there isn't much we can do except cheer you on and hope things work out for the best.


Thank you Brett. Ignorance didn't work in my favor I'm afraid. I just didn't know.

This never was about about a drug test. They were just looking for a way to get rid of me because I was complaining about my paycheck. Trainer was keeping me in sleep er berth 15, 16,17 hours a day. They only pay for on duty hours. My first day I worked over 15 hours and got paid 1 hour and 7 minutes.

They already have 1 class action pending against them. Unfortunately, the attorneys I talked to just want to start another one over the payroll thing, not the refusal.

Wouldn't it just be easier to pay your employees what you owe them instead of the time and expense of a huge lawsuit?

Some people never learn. At least I'll get the satisfaction of knowing I helped get other trainees the money Swift cheated them out of so they could stuff it back in their own greedy pockets.

Trucking 101. If the wheels aren't turning, nobody gets a paycheck!!!

I'm also gonna look into going to an independent lab and having a hair follicle test on my own. I'll send the results along with a personal copy of the lawsuit.

Although my career may have been short-lived, it was one of the most beautiful experiences in my life!!!

Since there was so much confusion and mistakes (both sides to be fair) Swift has agreed to compromise and offer Non-DOT Required Refusal. Won't go on my record but reason for discharge. Should I agree to this?

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