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Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Pre-Trip Inspection - My Way! A must see!
Thanks for all the great info. I'm getting ready to do my pretrip inspection tomorrow in IA....do you actually have to memorize the pre trip word for word as they are saying? This sounds so stupid as all we seem to be doing is memorizing and not really learning.
Rumor has it though that you must know it EXACTLY as in word for word or you fail.
Answers please as I'm freaking out about this...I know my stuff but *&%$ word for word?
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Pre-Trip Inspection - My Way! A must see!
Yes I'll quote myself, I found my info, yes you need to know it word for word...I have been studying and studying for this, they actually only gave us the papers 5 days ago but I think I have it down...confidence confidence confidence