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Posted: 9 years, 9 months ago
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10. Your load includes 20 pounds of division 2.3 gas and .1001 pounds of flammable gas. What placard do you need?
A. Flammable B. Explosive C. Poison
The answer given is B, Explosive. How does this combination of class 2 materials become a class 1 material? And, a division 2.3 gas is poisonous, requiring a placard in any amount. But, explosive??
I've literally spent hours studying the training guide, and I'm just not finding why this is the answer. Any help from anyone, so that I can move on, would be greatly appreciated!
None of these answers are correct. Class 2.3 is a Table 1 commodity and therefore any amount must be placarded. Additionally, you cannot use a Dangerous placard for a Table 1.
Since the flammable gas is Table 2, and the quantity shipped is 1,001 lbs, you must placard for that too. Or remove one pound. :-)
The only correct answer is the Poison Gas placard (172.540) and the Flammable Gas placard (172.532).
The Poison Gas placard is the skull and crossbones with the number 2 and "Inhalation Hazard" text.
There is no allowable substitution for the scenario given. Furthermore, displaying an explosive placard when not transporting explosives would be a violation of prohibited placarding, commonly referred to as "false advertising."
I hope that clears it up.
Posted: 9 years, 9 months ago
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HAZMAT Practice Exam
I need to make a slight correction. If the 2.3 is a hazard zone A (#1 in column 7 of the Hazmat table) this would not be allowed to be transported together per the segregation table in 177.848. If it were hazard zone B (#2 in column 7), it can only be transported on the same vehicle if segregated in a certain manner.