Elk City , KS
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 9 years, 9 months ago
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Obtained cdl today, Keim ts orientation tomorrow!
Gregory, I'm curious about something. People are all the time asking me about flat-bed companies and when I'm talking to them about Keim TS I always tell them that they are still running on paper logs. Last I heard that was the case. Is that still true?
Yes, they only run paper logs, they're furnished by them and come already filled out with the company name, you just circle which terminal you're at.
Posted: 9 years, 9 months ago
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Obtained cdl today, Keim ts orientation tomorrow!
Sounds awesome Greg! Definitely keep us updated on how things progress. I really don't know the first thing about that company so I checked out their website. They've been around since 1956 so they must know a thing or two by now.
Best of luck!
Thanks! I arrived today at there terminal in Sabetha, I was greeted by their training coordinator and their recruiting director, both really great easy going guys. I took my road test in a brand new, 2016 Kenworth 660 studio sleeper. Extremely nice truck. Their oldest trucks are 2013 and they only have 1 of those left to trade in, extremely clean, very well maintained equipment. Passed my road test and did my drug test, filled out a ton of papers, watched a lot of videos. I learned a ton of stuff today including a safer and better method to couple trailers. All of there equipment has super single tires, Cummins engines, and Eaton fuller 13 speeds, which was a learning curve because up until now I've only driven a super 10. Their trucks are governed at 65 with the pedal and 68 with the cruise. They run mostly building supplies but most of the loads come pretarped, they also haul a lot of John deere equipment. I leave out with my company trainer on Sunday and will be with him for 2-4 weeks depending on how quickly I learn. They put me up in a motel until Sunday, provide 1 meal a day in training, have laundry services at their terminal, own their own truck wash and require you to bring it in every time you come through. During training and orientation I'll be making 100 dollars a day and. 40 cpm starting out when I get in my own truck. So far it seems like an amazing starter company! Let's see what tomorrow brings!
Posted: 9 years, 9 months ago
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Obtained cdl today, Keim ts orientation tomorrow!
I've read a lot on here that it was hard to get your cdl without going to school, and yes it was a challenge, But I am proud that I accomplished that challenge. I've also read that it's hard to get a job, keim hired me without any issue that I didn't complete a school. Maybe it was due to the fact that all my training was with a flatbed O/O, but I could not be more excited! I head to Sabetha, ks in the morning to start orientation, drug test, driving test and then out with a trainer for the weekend! This site has been a good tool and I will continue to keep you all updated!
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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I'm still running on a permit, taking my cdl driven test may 5th. I was originally going to work for old dominion but I've spent 2 months training over the road with a flatbed owner operator and can't imagine doing anything else. I've already got approved for hire by keim ts out of Sabetha,KS which is only 2 hours from my home town. Here's our load today out of fredonia,ks that we took to Lee summit, MO. And no I didn't run over my trainer, had a minor exhaust leak lol
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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I agree. I've read nothing but good things about them and the guy who got me on has had nothing but good things to say. What all did you learn in the training classes 6 string?
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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They're offering both P&D and wild boards. From the sounds of things I'd rather run the wild board. I don't want to run locally, and I was told I would make more money on the linehaul than p&d. So you still had 4 weeks of training even though you went to truck driving school and already had your cdl?
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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And yes I'll be running out or parsons. The driver that gave me the referral strongly recommended wild boards.
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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I plan to go in with my cdl already. I've talked with the hiring manager after my best friends uncle who has drove with them for 10 years referred me. He has told me a lot of general information about the company and I've really like everything I've heard but he can't answer anything about the school because he was never required to go. He was working for another company they bought out called wskt. I'd like to know how long is the course? What can I expect to be taught? The driving Manager said he was going to talk to the manager in charge of hostlers and see if he'd hire me as a hostler to gain more experience until the course started so hopefully that goes through.
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Editor's Note: Read our review of Old Dominion Freight Lines
I've got my permit with all endorsements completed besides hazmat, which I get my fingerprints taken for the background check Wednesday. I already have a promise of a job with old dominion after I obtain my cdl but as I haven't attended a school and I'm getting my cdl on my own I'll have to attend their school. Can anyone tell me any information about their school/training program. Any and all information would be appreciated and helpful.
Posted: 9 years, 9 months ago
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Obtained cdl today, Keim ts orientation tomorrow!
Today I was assigned a trainer, really helpful and nice guy. He drives a 2015 kenworth t660. We have our first load together Sunday, pallets of gypsum heading to Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania. Loving this company so far!