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Rookie Solo Driver
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Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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This company is looking to pick me up: Meiborg Trucking out of Rockford, Illinois. They have about 100 trucks and their overall csa looks decent. I was told by one of the owners that they give their drivers time off during major holidays (as freight is slow those weeks anyways) and their drivers average $65-$75k annually. He also stated their company has a low turnover rate (30%). Anyone here work for them, have worked for them, know someone who works for them, or any other pertinent information about them? I can't seem to find any reviews about them. Thanks!
Posted: 6 years, 1 month ago
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Carrying a Weapon in a CMV
A little late to the party so I'll consider this a thread resurrection.
So I recently became a firearm owner ( about 7 months ago ) and I guess you could say I dived in headfirst. I hit the range every time I'm home, take multiple training courses, have my CCW ( with reciprocity in roughly 30 states ), among other things. I'm always researching state laws, watching videos, reading articles ( blah blah blah, y'all get the point, lol ).
First and foremost, you must be legally eligible to own a firearm ( duh ). Meaning you're not a convicted felon or convicted of a felony/misdemeanor that falls under the Lautenberg Amendment ( however, a felon can own a black powder gun, as they aren't legally classified as firearms ).
Secondly, you want to obtain a CCW from your state of residence as this is a tangible, government issued proof of your legal right to carry a weapon in public ( more about why that's important later ). Obviously, different states have varying reciprocity so make sure you're aware of states that recognize your CCW. For the most part, you can carry without issue in those states, just be aware of the different laws that may be in play. For example, my state does not have duty to inform, or force of law ( duty to inform means informing a police officer that you are carrying a weapon immediately upon making contact with the officer, and force of law means those pesky "No Gun" signs have the force of law behind them ). I have reciprocity with Ohio, and Ohio has both duty to inform and force of law.
As I'm sure we all know, there are some states that are notoriously not friendly to firearm owners. In states like New York and California ( unless you're a resident with a CCW from those states ), there's not much you can do legally outside of the Federal Firearm Transportation Act, which renders your weapon utterly useless for self defense. However, I was surprised to learn that I can still carry legally in Illinois, a state that has reciprocity with no one. But if you look into the laws there, you'll find that if you can legally own a firearm and have the legal right to carry in public in your state of residence ( ie: a CCW ), then you can legally carry a loaded handgun in a privately owned vehicle. Provided that you do not exit the vehicle with the firearm, and that the firearm is secured inside the vehicle when the vehicle is unattended ( lock the doors ). New Mexico has a similar law. I was actually involved in a minor fender bender in Chicago, and the responding state trooper was informed of my firearm upon contact. I was issued a citation or arrested for my gun ( the other driver was ticketed for the incident as he was at fault. Definitely invest in a dashcam! ). Also, the best way to avoid police interactions is to not break the law. Don't speed, don't drive in the third left lane, don't tailgate, etc.
As far as company policy goes: not ALL companies ( or even shippers/receivers for that matter ) have an anti-gun policy. The company I currently drive for doesn't have a policy banning firearms in their trucks. They do have one prohibiting them at the terminal, but it's not enforced. They are aware that multiple employees, myself included, carry on the trucks and on the premises. As for shippers/receivers with a "No Guns" sign, I typically only come across those in states with more stringent gun laws. You can always just leave your weapon in your truck while inside. If you're in a state that doesn't have force of law, you can carry it concealed inside, just don't advertise ( I mean, isn't that the point of concealed carry anyways? Lol ). If you're company has a no gun policy, you can always try to find another company to drive for. If that's not a viable option, you can always adopt a "don't ask, don't tell" policy.
Ultimately, it's important to keep in mind that prevention is often the best defense. Typically speaking, most criminals are looking for a target of opportunity, a soft target. Always look alert when out of your truck, not staring at your phone. Always keep your truck doors locked, even when you're driving. Avoid parking in areas where you're the only truck there ( or only one of a few, especially even the area isn't well lit ). Something extra that I do is I have a small ratcheting strap that I use to secure my doors together with, making them virtually impossible to open from the outside without first breaking, then climbing through one of the windows ( which won't be an easy task, lol ). My .45 is the last resort. If someone is that determined to get into my truck despite the extra measures I've used to make it a harder target, than odds are it's going to be a life or death situation once they get in, and I want every advantage I can get.
Keep in mind that this is not legal advice, I am not an attorney. I'm just a driver who wants to return home to his wife and daughter in one piece after my tour is complete. Always look into the laws for the state you reside in, as well as any and all states that you will be traveling to and/or through.
Stay safe out there drivers!