Westfield, IN
Driving Status:
Preparing For School
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54 years old and tired of the corporate "rig a ma roll"... seeking a new career path and trucking has been a lifelong longing. Hope to see you on the road!
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Company Paid vs. Private School CDL Training - What's your choice?
I'm 54 and want to be a Driver. I've reached out to a bunch of recruiters and got lots of advice on Facebook from folks. My concern about going to "Free" CDL training paid for by a company is getting "locked into" a contract. What do you think about this?
1. Pay for my own schooling OR get Grant/Loan for it. 2. Go to work for a Company that offers more Regional than OTR driving.
Thoughts and thanks!?
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Company Paid vs. Private School CDL Training - What's your choice?
Thanks so much everyone for the incredible advice. I'm a major researcher and still in the throes of making my decision. The Schneider recruiter said they would hire me right out of school whether I pay for it or they do! I suppose no matter what the first year is boot camp and putting in the miles early makes a big difference to your future career?
Thanks again all, SVH
Truck Driving Schools