Profile For Joshua F.

Joshua F.'s Info

  • Location:
    Chatfield, MN

  • Driving Status:
    Rookie Solo Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    10 years, 4 months ago

Joshua F.'s Bio

Learning the rope as a rookie driver in the first year. Still have to learn how to drive in the Winter!

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Posted:  8 years, 6 months ago

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Game: stupid things you have done on the road

I left my fuel cap on top of the tank too.

I had to replace it. Sucks that I had to find a Volvo dealership to do so.

Posted:  8 years, 6 months ago

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Game: stupid things you have done on the road

Left my fuel cap on top of the tank and then drove off. Didn't latch my trailer doors and my load locks darn near slid out while my keys were in the padlock used to secure my doors. Plus my lunch was inside the trailer just sitting there.

Posted:  8 years, 6 months ago

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Craziest Reset Location

Ive delivered to that exact place on time so I know exactly what you're talking about. Its not fun there especially with all those drivers in a hurry. Unfortunately theres really no plan B's in that area.

Nope. Plus any truck stop or rest area is 40-70 miles away either on i-5 or Ca 99 near Ripon.

Posted:  8 years, 6 months ago

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6 month update

Life on the road is definitely not what I expected. It's awesome! Im going through areas that would normally be on my wish list to visit in my personal vehicle. Yet I have had numerous violations and hick-ups while learning the ropes. (I still have to be trained for the winter driving coming up)

When I first started driving I was running 450-500 mi days and now currently run 580-675 mi a day. I've locked up my brakes 2 or 3x's already in heavy traffic with 78K gross (thank you Atlanta, Omaha & Vegas). Got pulled into a scale house In southwestern Washington on the 5 freeway and was given a written warning about my steering wheel knob and told to remove it immediately. I do not run pre pass in the truck I'm assigned :(. I have not put the knob back on since then. Im learning of places to avoid, to return to and also to be cautious with.

Omaha...interstate construction and rush hour combined are ridiculous. i-90 across the Salt Flats is best done at night when theres no traffic or blistering sun. Night time driving has 95% of the scale houses closed. (much better for me)

Got stuck recently in a flash flood while trying to turn around in Hutchinson, Mn. Luckily there was a good samaritan who also worked at the local bus barn who offered to pull me out. I was thankfully empty at the time! The front half of my cab inside got soaked (on the floor) because I was beyond drenched...almost felt like i was made of water instead. (chuckling lightly at the after thought there) I found out that with the company I drive the truck with says that if I would have gotten pulled out by a wrecker that I would be on the line with Safety explaining why I got stuck and then getting wrote up on a violation in return! I was extremely lucky!

[My boss leases his trucks to another company and we technically drive for them]

Went down Parleys Summit in the wrong gear and thankfully used stabbed braking (with full jakes on) to drop a gear while at 74K gross. Took a detour to save time and try to avoid a nasty traffic mess on i-24 and i-75 interchange and ended up scratching the **** outta the top half of my sleeper and my bosses shinny new white reefer that I was pulling. 1/2 thick tree branches are like nails on a chalk board. Didn't puncture anything but wasn't in any serious trouble.

Found out the longer I keep the a/c off the farther I can run. Made it from Albert Lea, Mn to Casper, Wy with 40 gal to spare. Or I run from Dalton, Ga to Omaha, Ne on a full tank with 15 gal to spare. I ran from Billings, Mt to Sioux Falls, Sd on 11 hrs exactly.

Im quite sure that more updates will come as it gets closer to winter time.

I just don't log on much while I'm out on the road. Still fine tuning everything as I drive. Stay safe drivers

Posted:  8 years, 6 months ago

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Craziest Reset Location

So I have been out driving for some time now learning things as I go mile by mile. But the strangest thing is; where is the craziest place you fellow drivers and had or chosen to take a reset? I was in Oakland at the docks and although the Receiver would let me park on their facility (completely out of hours) I kept getting in the way and had to park in the middle of the road where other drivers normally just wait in line to enter each yard. Two lanes on each side of me with trucks flying by and some blocking a lane causing other drivers to just split lanes. Couldn't sleep the first day as I was so nervous someone would strike the rig/trailer. So I stayed up since 5am that day and at midnight I finally convinced myself to just close the bunk curtain and sleep. I was so drained that in less than 10 minutes I was out to the world.

Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Getting sick (under the weather) with Trainer

When you are with your Trainer and he or she has a "issue" (i.e. cough, chronic Bronchitis or some other form of coughing situation) can you really catch it? Bronchitis (sorry if i misspelled it) is apparently non transferable but while on the night before my last day with Trainer #1 (I have 2 trainers to be with); we were going over our route planning from South Plainfield, NJ back to Sioux Falls, SD and he was coughing more and more and I stood behind him while he was in the passenger seat and next morning I started coughing and having Throat irritations just like him. Cough drops helped but it kept escalating. I bring the issue up to my boss and he comments that nothing sounds wrong with my voice or that I sound or appear to have anything. Yet....this morning when I woke up and went to get coffee from the kitchen, I tried talking to my dad and boom there it was....I had hardly any voice. My boss is aware that I may have something but we are playing it by ear. I am scheduled to leave back to the yard around noon tomorrow. If I really need to delay my training a week (because the trainers only leave on Friday or Saturdays with students/trainees) then so be it.

What should I do people? I am taking the appropriate meds to combat this (still safe enough to drive under DOT reg's. If I stay home for a week I will be getting on Cough Syrup otherwise I'm trying my best.

Posted:  8 years, 12 months ago

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Trainers Truck

Good morning everyone

I meet my trainer tomorrow afternoon and all the excitement is producing questions in my mind to make sure I go in with an open mind and complete willingness to learn and absorb as much as possible. Here's what is on my mind...

  • not even going to try and see how fast the truck can go (would rather take it slow and steady at the speed limit - depending on load and conditions)
  • it is his truck and I am being allowed inside to learn
  • the only electronic device I am bringing is my phone (laptop can come with once I go solo)
  • I have my Safety Vest, Safety Goggles, gloves (not for fueling), Box cutter (just incase something needs opened), Pocket version of the FMCSR, Receipt container (those small expanding ones), Expanding plastic file folder extra place to keep notes and what-not. I am leaving my fifth wheel puller at home until i go solo.
  • non perishable snacks to get started.
  • unscented Baby Wipes (would rather use clorox wipes)
  • my own copy of the Rand McNally truckers atlas (laminated)
  • ear buds (Bluetooth will be purchased after 1st week or 2)
  • 12v power inverter for my phone (its a travel size and very compact)

There are other things not on this list which I have (normal things needed) and luckily I found a 30" rolling duffle bag that is phenomenally deep for its size.

So my question to all the readers is this...Am I approaching this in the correct way or maybe a wise way?

Posted:  9 years ago

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Good evening everyone,

This is a follow up reply to the previous post...

Orientation Day 1 (as in my journal)

Been up for an hour and shortly I will be boarding the Days Inn shuttle around 7:30am to MCT. The sound of Jets taking off remind me of my place I had behind the San Diego International Airport. {Just a little side note there} Any-who after we arrived and joked around for a bit, it was Power Point presentations and videos galore. Before lunch we had 34 question FMCSR written exam which took around 30 min for all of us to complete. This morning some of the students had to take their **** test and physical. (Mine's tomorrow) Towards the end of the day we all took a HAZMAT test and did very well. (not everyone is hauling HAZMAT but we had to be familiar with the procedures and regulations governing it. Our Trailers will occasionally haul a load that requires the knowledge.

I will write about Day 2 of Orientation tomorrow after work.

Posted:  9 years ago

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Alrighty, here goes

Arrived a night early at the Motel in Sioux Falls and Monday morning the group of 5 students all hopped in the shuttle. Once at the terminal (only 1.3 miles away) we found out that 4 of us drove our cars to get here. Anyway, we all sit down in the room and shoot the breeze for a half hour and then go around describing why we chose to work for MCT (Midwest Coast transport). After that, one of the instructors made appointments for our physicals and pre employment drug test. A lot of videos were watched after we completed some paper work (formalities - as most of us had everything already filled out online) and then lunch. MCT bought it and Pizza was the choice today. After a very lengthy wait for pizza dude we consumed it and got back to more videos and talking about them. The rest of the day was divided between freely chatting and discussing what to do in situations when behind the wheel of a rig in different states. It felt like today was a gloss over kind of day.

Posted:  9 years ago

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Apologies on making the proper entires today. Was busy getting things set up so I can leave with my trainer in 7 days. AM&S Trucks Sub Contracted (leased) through MCT {Midwest Coast Transport}. I am in no way leasing a truck, just mentioning that AMS is leased through the other. Based out of Sioux Falls, SD

about 3.5-4 hr drive for me.

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