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Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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Challenges of driving


Please everyone, I really could use some help with this...are all these horrible days normal? I just want him to feel like he isn't alone out there.


Slow down and relax a bit. Just because we don't answer right a way does not mean we won't answer. We are drivers and we actually drive for a living and there are times when we can't get to the forums till late at night or till the next day....

Yes what he is going through is normal. We all have bad days. It's apart of the job. It's not what happens that counts but how you handle it. If there was no accident then forget about it and move on down the road. Construction zones.... They are everywhere and nothing to be done but sit back and relax cause it will take as long as it takes to get through it. Bad weather happens also but it's apart of the job.

I apologize, I'm the typical female - worry about everything (not helpful I know hah) I appreciate your response, I just want him to know he isn't alone. And I don't drive trucks (probably a good thing haha) so I can sympathize but I know I don't truly understand the same way another driver would.

Thank you.

Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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Challenges of driving

Please everyone, I really could use some help with this...are all these horrible days normal? I just want him to feel like he isn't alone out there.

Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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Gift Ideas

Funnel, for pouring fluids. work gloves? a decent rain coat, gps (expensive but handy)

Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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Challenges of driving

I'm hoping to gain some insight into truck driving, and am posting on behalf of my boyfriend.

He is very close to getting his one year of experience, and usually has "okay" days. Once in a while he has a day that breaks him, a day where he does not want to go on, wants to quit. These are days where drastic things happen - ignorant car drivers that almost cause accidents, hitting construction and ending up in a subdivision at 5 am (in PQ!)

Some of these cause him to be concerned for his safety, and rightly so. But I am coming here because I am seeking advice for him from experienced drivers that understand the challenges.

His driving allows him to see me more than ever before (we were in a long distance relationship) and neither of us really want him to stop driving.

For those of you that have driven for 5, 10, 15 years - does it get easier? are there words of wisdom you can offer? what do you tell yourself on those horrible, stressful days?

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