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Posted: 10 years ago
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I to went through the school but i went to work for a different company,I have my reasons why.But the schooling does you right and not easy but if you are focused you can do it and swift and every other big company has hate from somewhere just the nature of it. Swift as a company is not bad at all
Posted: 10 years ago
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I heard they have or are going to do away with the 1-5 twice in the reset rule??True or not
Posted: 10 years ago
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My time at Dart...(The BBQ Sauce Complaint)
Its not part of the physical needed for DOT . The duck walk is part of something that carriers do..not all but most. It is usually the duck walk,climbing up (like into the back of a trailer) and carrying weight and push and pull.
Posted: 10 years ago
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I have to agree with Daniel on this...I choose the company i went to because it fills the needs i wanted the most.All companies big and small have good and bad..but everyone needs to choose based on what fits you the best.
Posted: 10 years ago
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My time at Dart...(The BBQ Sauce Complaint)
I was going to jump in a say some things to the OP..But old school ,brett, daniel pretty much said everything i was going to say.So with that bring said can we lock the thread lol
Posted: 10 years ago
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Countless hours of unpaid work as a company driver. Trucking truth
I dont look at hours except for my allowed hours..Thanks to this site i knew It is more about the miles and not the hours except for those allowed.So yes we sit and sometimes (at least my company) pays for that time i sit.But i look more at my miles i drive
Posted: 10 years ago
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Companies too work for in Virginia area
For OTR you can pretty much go with any company that hires in your area some companies have black out areas depending on the time and the area...Richmond I know has alot of terminals..Swift being one and i think US Xpress and I think Knight as well...Local runs usually you need or they prefer a yr of OTR exp but that depends on company...In short dont base OTR companies just in va...Check them all and check the hiring zone they have if you are in the area they hire from apply.....Good thing about trucking...You can be very mobile
Posted: 10 years ago
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I drive in either tennis shoe or a low cut hiking boot....I like to feel the reaction on the clutch... with boots on I cant feel it and just not comfy to me...But i do carry a pair with me for when they are needed
Posted: 10 years ago
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Automatic transmission question
Yes swift is converting there whole fleet all what 26,000 trucks alot of the companies are changing the fleets over
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Hotshot Experience? Anyone?
I will jump in for the 1099 thing...i did it 7 yrs ago almost 8..i worked 1099 for 6 yrs....I am STILL paying on back taxes from 7 yrs ago...I will never do 1099 ever again...and it is worse when you make more as well.