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Considering A Career
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Terry On The Web
while I no longer drive now. I like to read and learn... and from this site one can learn many good lessons just to be used in everyday life... I currently reside in Beijing China.... and the trucking here is really different..... my email address is ... tdeese56@hotmail.com... in case anyone want to know about life in China.....
Posted: 5 years, 4 months ago
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How will this help get hired by a US company, with a work visa?
these custom harvesters are US companies.... they will bring him to the united states... sponsor him for a work visa... train him to get a class a CDL.. are they big mega fleets? no..... are they over the road as you know it ..? no... sometimes they have only two trucks... some companies may have 10 trucks. its just a different niche.. like oil field work... it just a way he can come to the united states... be sponsored for a work visa... and obtain a Class A cdl.... I believe that was his question...
Posted: 5 years, 4 months ago
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I know this goes against all the great advice you get here.... but there is one way you can get you CDL here in the states.... There are custom harvesters... they harvest wheat.. corn.... soybeans you name it.... they usually start in the south in the late spring and move north up along the Canadian border. Then turn around and head south again... You will be sleeping in a bunk trailer with other people. The work is long hours.. But they will sponsor you for a visa... the outfit I worked with before actually had an entire crew from Brazil this year. Its seasonal... may to November... They pay a monthly salary and you get room and board.. they usually feed you really good. its a shot... Good luck....
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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CDL Driver Application Non USA Citizen
Hello Doug.... you may want to look into the custom harvesters.... they hire seasonal drivers... they will sponsor your work visa.... even help you obtain the CDL... it is long hours .. they pay room and board..... not the best of conditions sometimes... just look up custom harvesters.... good luck....
Posted: 5 years, 4 months ago
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Work visa
I should also say something else about the custom harvesting ... the drawback... is its usually way more work than it is driving... and its seasonal... about eight months of the year. so he will have to return home .. but they will sponsor you again net year... and the most important it that it is really not helping to gain any knowledge an experience for driving for a real truck driving job.... and in hindsight.. I see that if might not have been a good thing to offer up this solution...