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Posted: 8 years, 7 months ago
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This is just my experience. I gave it a shot. Like most big companies i was promised all kinds of great things by recruiter. Told how i would have my pick of truck. And if they didn't have what i want any and all payments would carry over to new truck when arrived. I was also topped that if it didn't work out that they would get you back home at their expense. The only thing they promised that i really got was alot of miles.
First off. When you stay out for 6 weeks and take 5 days off. Well. Your paying for days off you earn. You go back to work owing about $600 that comes out of your next checks til paid. So basically your going backwards when you take off days you earn. Understand also that this is a lease. They say lease purchase but you have to lease for 5 yrs before u can own it. So basically they give you older trucks with almost 500k miles. You pay about $1000 week for lease with good miles. You make about $3600 per week. But after fuel.
Lease and other payments you end up with about $1000 on 3000 mile wk. Now keep in mind this is 1099 contract. So after you put 25% ($250) away for taxes you made $750 for 7 days (14hr days) staying away from home. Also keep in mind these older mid milage trucks are already paid off few times. Average $2 mile most make companies that is. So 500k mi truck has made a million dollars. Now i know they don't get all that but i guarantee after all the fees taxes and baseplates etc. That truck still has been paid off at least 2 times. So they keep you in their already old trucks to squeeze every dollar they can out of them. Im not blaming them but that wasn't the agreements i had emails for proof. .
But once i quit other company and get there. My promising recruiter of 16yrs suddenly no longer works there. Hmm. Also it takes alot longer than the 90 to upgrade to new truck. And after getting my final settlement. They charged me $175 for bus ticket home and $25 for taxi to bus station. 16hr ride of crammed up hell. Lol. Now I'm not complaining. I'm home and putting my own outfit together. The only reason i got into this. Experience. You will get different answers from different people here. Some will tell you it's lease purchase others will tell u its just a lease.
I have talked to few that dis really own the trucks but after they pay over 160k on 2014 truck with 500k miles. Jct buys it back for $25k cash..then leases it out all over again. Please don't let this discourage you if you plan on a lease purchase. I'ts a walkaway so it may be for you. But i would rather be honest than tricked and suckered into something. Most will say $750 after taxes is good money plus your buying a truck. But how many can stay out on the road for 5 yrs without hometime. Cause any and every day off you take costs you money. Plan on coming back in the hole. One positive thing is you're your own boss.
You can refuse loads and take off any and as much as you want. Now i did recently before i quit take some emergency family time. I knew the cost of this already so it wasn't a shock. I expected it after the first couple days off. If you have a team companion. This may be a good deal as you pay double lease payments and may own it quicker. But as Brett and most say. Its not worth the hassle to make the same money. What i mean by hassle is being reapinsible for your own taxes. Expenses. Paying for lease and permits etc while on days off. You basically have to stay out on the road all the time and forget days iff to stay ahead.
I called this morning and asked why do they bring you out and if u quit charge you to get back home. All she said was if you quit us we ain't gonna pay for you to go home. So basically if i had a short trip with low mikes i would have been digging in my wallet. Also keep in mind that it takes about 1800 miles to pay for all the expenses. The remaining miles after that is your pay minus 25% for taxes you need to put away. Gd luck . When you come back off days off owing a full check you may to need to start using it lol. My overall experience with John Christner trucking was just like the rest..they will promise you anything to get you there..once they got you, you are then just a driver...as are any company.
Now believe me i asked all the right questions and for 2 months they called me making all these great promises. Making it sound too good to be true. Well for me it was. I did enjoy the experience and you will never see me ask them for a job. Not even if o was starving. Just wasn't for me. I need to make money. Not make them money. Gd luck stay save and GOD BLESS driver.
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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3 DUI's in the past making it difficult to get hired
If you vall them. Yell them i refered you.ask for china walter. She will get u in. She was my recruiter. Give them my name snd,see if they stand by their referel bonus. Its john stidman. Ots not the,worst company. The staff are all nice and christian based. I just hate sitting and the low miles. But like i stated. Im only here to get experience. I actually just put a down payment on a truck to hold. Ill decide if i buy it on my hometime. Gd luck. Ive already did the,research. So im telling you with that many duis. This us your only option rt now. Ive contacted every company. Its an indurance thing. Some accept 1 maybe 2. But 3 is very difficult.
Posted: 9 years, 2 months ago
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3 DUI's in the past making it difficult to get hired
I can tell you one company if your not picky. As all companies they have ups and downs. I trained with them and drove for them with 3 duis on my record. Like you mine were about the same yrs,with 16 yrs since i drank. SRT. Southern transport. Texarkana,Ar. They will hire and train you. My only dislike is that i am sitting alot. Have to call and fight for my detention and layover all the time. I eventually get it but man. I dont get many miles. Im averaging about 1600 per week solo. But ots a job. I love the,traveling part. I am fixing to buy my own yruck and do my own thing. I have family brokers,snd family owner ops to help me. Thats the only reason i chose SRT. Is caise of my duis. I could have paid a regular school but they only get u ur cdl then thats it. Due to the lack of jobs accepting my 3 duis they couldnt guarantee me work. So no work means cdl and no experience. So i am just about ready to move on. As i have enoigh experience i feel confident.
Posted: 9 years, 7 months ago
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Will 20yr old DUI's prevent me from obtaining my CDL in Georgia?
Srt, southern refridgerated accepted me with 3 duis, last being 16 yrs ago, i completed the whole program and in my own truck for about 2 weeks now..check em out.. not bad.. they are getting ready for the driver shortage..too many old timers out there and no one can drive forever..but these days have to drive til ya drop lol.
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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Bakersfield ca is my hometowm lol. glad you got to visist the dustbowl lol.
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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well, i never thought it would be possible with my background and dui records lol. but due to them being so long ago i was finally accepted at a company sponsored training with SRT. i had mentioned before and thought the recruiter was just trying to get scores lol. but its true, they accepted me and i have done alot of research. i realize they had alot of bad reviews few yrs back and lots of complaints. but they have really stepped up their game and company. today was my first day in the classroom. they require you to study their online course, get your permit and then come. although you have to get another permit here in arkansas its a temp for 30 days just for your training. so far its a gd class and the instructor is decent. so if anyone is having troubles with finding a company to sponsor the training check them out. they charge $5000 but you only pay half back. its at no cost to come, you make $450 week after you start with trainer over the road. they will also buy your ticket here and buy one back home if you decide its not for you..at no cost. you have 3 days to quit at no cost. after that your liable to the contract for the tuition costs to full amount. there are a few members here also. ill keep you posted as we go. every few days or so.
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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DUI and truck driving Question
I have a total of 3 duis in my lifetime. i have applied for just about every company that sponsors and dont sponsor training. most will tell you that no more than 2 duis in a lifetime. most wont hire either. i did find one company that has accepted me. they are called SRT. they are a big compaany but run the 48. meaning everywhere in all weather and new york. i also have some local prehires if i wanna take a private school. most with tuition rembersment. my duis were 20 yrs ago for 2, and 16 yrs ago for the last. i havent drank since the last. its due to insurance rreasons they dont hire. but since yours were that long ago and only 2 in your life, you should qualify with most companies. if they say you dont, there must be other reasons.
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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Trying one more time. Please give me some advice.
The reason i mentioned this was there are some craigslist ads for jobs in the transportation section thats always saying refresher coarses for people who are in experienced, or havent been driving after awhile they offer refresher coarses. i also noticed they advertise in most states as they are hiring all over.
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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Trying one more time. Please give me some advice.
Just curious, if you had a CDL already in the pass and prior experience, wouldnt it be best to just find some pre hires that will do the refresher coarse and get your license that way. it seems like thats all you would need, unless of coarse you forgot alot. or are you just wanting to start all over again. truth is you dont have to even take a class for a CDL, just pass the written permit test, then have a truck to take the driving test. of coarse you will need to know all the driving skills.
Posted: 8 years, 7 months ago
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Two weeks notice or no?
I gave jct a 2 week notice. They ran me low miles and tried keeping me out as long as possible making them money but not me. I was on lease so it takes 1800 miles to pay for expenses. So anything under i went backwards. They werent happy and had me swapping and screwed me out of some last gd miles. I feel they did it purposely too. But as a loyal and responsible person i did what was neccessary to keep my word and do my part. That way i have a gd track record. Its best to give notice and hang in there. Other comoanies may see if you just walk away with no notice and use that to prevent from hiring you. Even if u have a job already lined up. If the new job dont work out your track record is your next job opoertu ities.