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Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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Truckers wearing flip-flops: Why all the hate?

Lawd a mercy... Before this thread is over I will be pulling a 3 piece suit out for the first day of class tomorrow.

True story... I've gone to several interviews for "professional" positions here in Mississippi over the years, wearing what I felt was appropriate attire ie: slacks, dress shirt, tie, dress shoes (no, not flip flops). Anyway, on 2 occasions members of both the managerial staff and employees looked at me like I was from another planet. One thought I was an attorney attempting to sue them. When I tried to explain my dress after being questioned the same phrase was offered by both.... "but this is Mississippi". Apparently living within these borders a new and different standard exists--different from what I was taught in my early years. Now, whenever we come across or see something where the phrase will fit, the words "but this is Mississippi!" Comes out with a chuckle.

Now all you fellow southerners don't get all defensive. I've lived here many years and have respect for the area, (generally). This is just a casual and truthful observation and is not meant to be a blanketly disparaging. Now I'm the one being defensive, poisoned by political correctness.

Now that was a funny post And that's the wonderful and tragic thing about the human mind If It looks at something screwed up for long enough it becomes normal

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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Truckers wearing flip-flops: Why all the hate?

No jeans are not mentioned in the same sentence as professional but they are known as durable work clothing. These slacks that you see some wear would not hold up for a day with what I do. You can find me as some point in the day dirty, greasy and/or sweaty. Now flip flops say childish to me. Kids wear them and adults wear shoes. Just my opinion.

Oh and cowboys wore jeans more than they did suits. You are watching too much TV or reading too much fiction. Now gamblers, they tended to dress up more.

Respectfully disagree with you My information didn't come from watching too much TV and reading fiction as you suggested My information comes from the Smithsonian archives and photos The suits I was referring to were made of a canvas material . They can still be purchased , and yes cowboys did wear them and sometimes a tie or bandanna Agree with you on the the Gambler but that type of suit was not what I was referring to I myself wear jeans ,have over 50 pairs, but professional looking well perhaps to a 20 something person and when they get the least bit greasy or stained they are tossed But to each his own personally I don't care what someone else wears or does while working as long as they are not on my payroll

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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Truckers wearing flip-flops: Why all the hate?

Is it somehow seen as unprofessional?

I've never seen the term flip flop and professional used in the same sentence. Selling corn dogs on the beach, maybe, otherwise, not so much.

While were on the subject I've never seen the term Jeans ,T-shirt & professional used in the same sentence Sure in the culture we live in now it's somewhat acceptable , Steven Jobs did it but he still looked like an unkempt mutt Any man over the age of 40 needs to ditch the Tee shirt and faded jeans except for home use at that age it's time to grow up If truckers want to be thought of as professionals they need to look the part . Heck cowboys had more class they wore suits riding a horse Actually its even costs less to dress up than down No man Flip Flops at least graduate to some high end sandals for a job or just buy an orange jump suit and look the part

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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The Life, Death, and Resurrection Of My Truck Driving Career

What a testimonial and an eye opener Something was watching over you that day Many thanks for posting this will be something I will repeatably read as my career progresses

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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I need a good trucking company to go where they do not lie to you HELP !

Without more information on the lease terms and the questions asked earlier, it's difficult to make suggestions As for .84 per mile there are folks more qualified on this forum to tell you that. I'm just getting into the trucking industry as a second career and haven't achieved rookie statics yet Just tossing some numbers around in my head I would think if that isn't a net figure then your really upside down Unless you can get out or sell out of your lease Your going to have to rethink your position and change your frame of mine , >your a trucking company now not a driver you may have to grow yourself out of this by obtaining more trucks and even if it's a hotshot type straight truck and offsetting your liability on this lease until it runs out its a bold move but I know it can be done There is a way to turn this into a positive but it will take some doing and getting aggressive on your part Good luck to you

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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Anyone working for tmc here?

I also am looking at TMC and have some questions Looks like a great company and I hope they like me If someone could clarify these thing up for me it would be appreciated Do they force you to train after 8 or so month with them ? Does your pay cap out if you don't train ? If you do train how often per year is it required ? These are a few questions I have form my research Thank God for trainers but I'm going into this business for the solitude and don't want to be forced to live with a stranger for 5 weeks at a time several times a year nor do I want to be penalized for not wanting to

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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Questions about TMC?

I also am looking at TMC and have some questions Looks like a great company and I hope they like me so if someone could clarify these thing up for me it would be appreciated Do they force you to train after 8 or so month with them ? Does your pay cap out if you don't train ? If you do train how often per year is it required ? These are a few questions I have form my research Thank God for trainers but I'm going into this business for the solitude and don't want to be forced to live with a stranger for 5 weeks at a time several times a year nor do I want to be penalized for not wanting to

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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I need a good trucking company to go where they do not lie to you HELP !

Squidly66, we all make mistakes don't beat your self up over it . You will need to get creative and thing out of the box now.

Albeit it a bit late but now is the time to start gathering your knowledge about your lease:

Is it opened ended or closed ended?

What is the term?

What is the residual?

Can you jump ship and move to another company or go completely independent and book your own loads?

Do you make the payments directly to the lease company or does your company take it out of the proceeds?

What is the truck actually worth vs what you owe?

Is there any wiggle room in there to get out of the lease or sell it ?

Anything you can find out about it may open up possibilities but unless your lucky your going to have to get very creative. Your Credit will take a hit but look into having your someone in your family purchase the lease at discount I by no means know the trucking industry but I do know business and have dealt with lease companies over the years . There is a way out if you study your lease and get creative.

Please clarify,

You mentioned your getting 3k miles per week I fail to understand. Are the loads not paying enough to cover expenses? If not perhaps your traveling too far and burning your profits in fuel. If that's the case you'll need to figure a way to maximize profits per load or is it that you have decided you don't like the lifestyle?

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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Too old for Flatbed?

That is certainly great to hear about the age I'm starting my truck driving at age 57 Hopefully with TMC Larry and I seem to have many life similarities I hope it goes well for him and hope to meet him at the TMC School

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Too old for Flatbed?

Larry, I'm glad you posted this and got some feedback , I also posted this same question about a week ago I guess it went unnoticed since I only got 1 response If I have my way I'll be the old man in the class at age 57 I plan on applying to TMC after graduating from school Flat-bedding attracted me because of the physical part and the physics involved in securing the load Good luck in your quest and hope to meet you there

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