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Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Mother Truckers...Can you balance motherhood and trucking realistically?
Red Gator is a mother and is very successful at balancing everything. You might try sending her a private message. She is busy most of the time because she is a trainer also. She has helped me with other things and I am sure she will have some insight for you. Best of luck!
I have to figure out how to navigate this site...lol. Thank you for the idea! I will do that.
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Mother Truckers...Can you balance motherhood and trucking realistically?
I just recently got my CDL, and due to previous work history (hairdresser 15 years) I'm having a bit of a hard time finding work. I feel like I'm going to have to go OTR for a brief stint just to gain experience. I've asked in another forum, opinions of trucking and motherhood and all the replies (men) basically told me to stay home, that is where a mother belongs. A bit more politely though, sort of. So I ask you ladies...are any of you Mom's? What are your opinions? My husband and I have a solid, strong and happy marriage. After each of our sons were born, I was fortunate enough to stay home a few years. Now the roles have reversed a bit and I have the opportunity to repay the favor to him. He could stay home with the boys for however long it takes for me to get some exp. under my belt. Not real long though...I've never even been away from my boys over night! I just want to pay my dues, get my exp. and then come home and maybe deliver oil, and play house. **Lastly....(sorry I'm getting long winded) I also feel it would be good to step away briefly, and see it all from a different angle. I'd probably see my boys and husband in a new light, from a very different perspective. I think we could all grow by experiencing each others rolls.
I'm truly open to honest opinions...if you disagree a lot just don't bash me too much I'm feeling a little sensitive due to mother nature and having just turned 40 ha ha.
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Well I go tomorrow and try again for my CDL A skills test at the DMV......
Best wishes!! You will do well!
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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The good, the bad, and the ugly about women in trucking
OMG forgive me if this shows up elsewhere. I had my reply all typed out and bumped something and it disappeared. I hate computers.
Anyway, I just finished an 8 week course here at my local community college on the 14th. I was very, very fortunate to have received grants for everything! So I highly recommend any of you look into that. I wasn't willing to go back into debt at this age (turned 40 on the 20th) but I desperately wanted to change careers. I took and passed my road test on the 17th. It wasn't nearly as bad as I had it all played out in my mind. I encourage all of you to move forward with this if you truly think you'll enjoy it. Best wishes ladies!!
Posted: 10 years, 2 months ago
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The good, the bad, and the ugly about women in trucking
Sad I don't even know how to "quote" properly! Hi Mindy...Sorry for the delay. I received my grants right through the school. I wasn't even aware I could get them. They offered them to me. I would assume that if you just brought it up directly to them they'd know the best way to go about it. Covered my books, DOT physical, drug test, and all tuition. As to the negativity you hear, I agree with your theory of them sounding off. I figure if they're making good money and happy, they have no need to complain on a forum. Therefore you'll hear much more of the down side. I've heard lots of good things from local friends in the business. Especially in your case. Two women and team drivers?!?! My understanding is that you'll have an upper hand in some cases. Good for you two! I wish you all the best. Heidi.