Profile For Bradley D.

Bradley D.'s Info

  • Location:
    Arlington, TX

  • Driving Status:
    Preparing For School

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  • Joined Us:
    10 years, 1 month ago

Bradley D.'s Bio

No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.

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Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Just wanted to pop in and say hello :). Have been an passive follower of this forum for a few years now and have wanted to drive a truck since I was 14, just has always seemed like a really cool job to me. Just got approved for Prime orientation starting on May 1st, already had my TWIC and Passport which should hopefully save some headache. My biggest worry is about training. Not because I'm afraid I won't pass some tests, I have an extremely good memory and plenty of confidence in my driving skills, but I just do not like people very much. The thought of spending a few months in a truck with some mystery person who could be a complete **** or grossly incompetent scares me, but I will keep myself thinking positive.

Also, shout out to Old School, your posts have always been great and extremely informative.

Posted:  10 years ago

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A month of trucking with Daniel B.

The sad moment when you get home and rush to the computer, but no new post :(.

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Trucking Regulation Changes?

The House and the Senate passed the Ominibus bill, removing the 34 hour restart rule now in effect and the rule that was in effect before July 1,2013 will apply. It is supposedly on President Obama's desk for signing.


What was the rule before July 1st? And is this supposed to be a good or bad thing.

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Car Transition

Remembering i am allowed to use the left lane is one i forget once in a while!

I don't know why but people who feel they can only drive when they are on the left lane drives me crazy. I was driving home at like 3 am one night and I was literally the only car on the interstate. This other car gets on and is in front of me and there is absolutely no one else on the road, he goes straight into the very left lane (3 lanes) and just stays there.

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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I'm pretty much just wanting a rundown on the subject because I've always wondered this. Are they common? In what situations would you use one? etc.

Also just an update, I'm going to get my TWIC card tomorrow :). Not for trucking though. I plan to join my dad in the merchant marines until I am old enough to pursue a career in trucking.

(I am currently a pizza delivery driver btw)

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Are all Prime governed at 60mph?

Well this thread certainly explains why it takes you guys so long to pass each other lol. So would the random few trucks I see going like 74 be O/O or is there a company that actually allows that?

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Car Transition

I've been wondering this. What's it like being off driving this huge truck for like 8-11 hours a day for 4 weeks straight and then coming home and getting into your regular car? How weird does it feel having that sudden change lol.

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Now I'm Worried

I was reading through the threads and saw one person posting about a speeding ticket for going 95 in a 75 or something like that and you guys talking about how it counts as reckless driving and it will be really hard to get a trucking job.

Then I remembered I got a ticket a few months ago doing 50 in a 30. (Not an excuse but honest to god I thought the speed limit was 45, there were like no signs on that road) I plead guilty and paid it because I didn't know you could offer to go to traffic school to get it reduced or anything like that and well.. I did do it so I figured why fight it.

In texas anything 20 and over can be considered reckless driving but I read on this lawyer site that the judge has the right to change it to reckless driving but often times doesn't. When I pull my driving record in a few days, if it doesnt show any reckless driving charge will trucking companies look at it as just a moving violation like I was expecting? Or will they see 20 over and just deny me?

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Hello from Texas!

Just wanted to say hi! I've been scouring the forums for the past few days and read Brett's book. All I've wanted to be for the past two years is an OTR trucker, it just seems like it would fit me well. The only problem is... I'm only 19. It really sucks knowing that I'll have to wait a year and a half, but for now.. if anyone is looking for an assistant or a ride along buddy ;), give me a call.

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Health and trucking

First Post :).

Anyway, would something like "" be good for truck drivers? It's pretty much 100% of all the nutrients and everything you would be getting in a balanced diet without all the bad stuff and tastes pretty good. All you need to make it is a blender and preferably something to make it cold and it's also fairly cheap.

Btw sorry if we're not allowed to post links.

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