Profile For Douglas H.

Douglas H.'s Info

  • Location:
    Gresham, OR

  • Driving Status:
    Preparing For School

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  • Joined Us:
    10 years, 3 months ago

Douglas H.'s Bio

I am noob to this industry except for the fact that I do know how to load a truck up with various different types of product while I worked for the printing industry. So, that's one advantage I have.

U will be taking my CDL Class "A" CLP test tomorrow along with my Air Brake Test. I just might do the Hasmat and Doubles/Triples on Tuesday. From there I will be calling either Knight or Swift to finish up the rest of my training.

I look forward to this type of work because it does tend to test one abilities and I enjoy that type of a challenge.

I have done a great deal of reading and watching YouTube videos on the pro's and cons of the industries so, I go in with my eyes wide open.

I hale from the great state of Boregon , oops I mean Oregon lol. I was born and lived here for maybe 1/3 of my life. I graduated High School down in the east bay (Livermore to be a little more precise). From there I went in the Job Corps and graduated crew boss in Forestry. I then went on to the Navy and became a Hospital Corpsman. Honorably discharged and went to work for my step dads plastering company and there I stayed for many years. I am 50 years old and I have always wanted to be trucker from an early age and now its my time to shine. This what I want to do until I retire so I hope yoy all will welcome an older gent in this society. I look forward to picking your guys and gals brains on how to be more productive and conscientious.

Thank You, Douglas , AKA Dougie, Hedval

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Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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Day 4 Swift Driving Academy Dallas. December 2014 Still Grumpy. Pass One, Fail One

Have a little faith in yourself and know that you can do this. Don't get yourself down because of one set back. This is how we learn . By our mistakes. Just know where you made your mistakes and concentrate on those area's. The one thing I have learned about studying and taking tests is I don't study real hard as to lose any sleep. Take vitamins to replenish your thinker and eat well. I like to study a few hours right before I go in to take the test that way everything is fresh in my mind. Just remember your 1st guess is usually the right guess if you have to guess lol. Anyways good luck to ya.. I am sure you'll be fine.

Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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Witch school is the best all around for the noobies in the trucking industry?

I have been contemplating driving truck for many years now. I have a younger brother who drove Global Van Lines for many years doing the Seattle to L.A. runs and now he drives for Costco. He is definitely behind me on this career move but, the only thing is, he didn't go through a training facility so I am left with reading the truckers truth and watching a ton of YouTube videos to try and decide which is best for me. Got any advice on which one I should choose? I am located in the North West in Oregon State.

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