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In CDL School
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Posted: 10 years ago
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Terry thats what I think too. The big indicator to me was he didnt get red lighted on the by pass exit light and the lack of response from dot down the road.
Posted: 10 years ago
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Ok overheard a discussion/ass chewing today and was curious on some views and insight from everyone here.
Student driver got red light on pre pass at flordia scale, did the 35mph through the section before it splits into 2 lanes. He claims he didnt see any lights on and not sure what to do followed the truck infront of him to the left lane which was the non rolling scale lane. He said there was a sign and signal stating on red stop but the got green light to exit.
His trainer is freaking out and the student is now to thinking that they didnt get scaled when they were supposed to.
I asked if any dot or any police officials came after them or anything like that to which they replied no and that they had passed a highway patrol about 4 miles down the road as well.
My view is that they are probably good and nothing is going to happen. I think they would have gotten stopped as they tried to get back on the road or would have gotten stopped by the highway patrol farther down the road if there was an issue or if the student had screwed the scale lane choice up.
The trainer believe that they werent going to chase them but are going to mail a citation ticket. What you guys say?
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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List of things to pack if you are going to Prime
Scott I'm broke as a joke right now and will probably only have a weeks worth of clothes that are worthwhile to bring. I'm washing my clothes in a tub already! Not kidding.
What's the dress code like? I have nice clothes from my last office job but I'd rather not be the only guy in kackis and polos. I want to be warm and comfortable. Do most people show up in jeans and hoodies? Since from the time you step off the bus the whole process is an interview are people who aren't dressed to impress looked down on?
And did you really need to bring the pens, pencils, paper and binder? Or did Prime give you that stuff anyway.
Sorry Brian, not trying to hijack your thread. I was glad you asked what to bring.
I'm just a single dude and don't need all the frills. The link David gave was great (thanks David btw) but I only want to bring bare essentials.
Think of every minute that your out as a job interview. You dont need to be in button downs and polos all the time but make sure your cloths are clean and are in good order (no holes and stuff like that). Lets just say some of those people who dont look professional have a hard time finding trainers to take them. They say 2 weeks...bring 3 if possible as many of the psd guys push hard to get you done in the 3-4 weeks really of psd. We have only stayed at truck stop with laundry 2 times as we have been able to stay a receivers or shippers. Just cram what you wany into the bag and make it work but dont be that person with 6 bags, had a female student get kicked off her psd truck before even getting on it because od how many bags she had. The entire thing is a big big interview. Email me if you have more questions im in psd right now and can fill you in private about some things ive realized already.
Posted: 10 years, 2 months ago
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Pay attention when you take or go to get your permit. Verify if you state allows you to put endorsements onto a permit. If they do NOT do NOT get your permit. Some states will not put them on till you have taken your cdl test. It has cost me and others that went to prime extra money as we had to retake or add on endorsements we already had from other states and you end up paying the full 32.50 for your Missouri permit. If you can put endorsements on get them on...if you have to take tanker when you get here it will cost your 32.50 to get your Missouri permit/the transfer. I basically spent double to get my permit after some bad info was put out via the recruiters and then the people that run the office not talking or relaying the correct information. Regardless DO NOT pay for your permit to take your permit test if the endorsements don't go on your permit.
WOW! A whole $32.50 . . . must of broke the bank, huh? That's just plain bad logic . . . do, take, get everything and anything you can out of the way before you get to Springfield . . . the time is limited and the information & skill set is new (to most) and HAS to be mastered . . . if $32.50 is your main concern, you don't HAVE any concerns . . . Prime advances you $200 per week (to be deducted from future paychecks at $25/week) during the whole PSD training phase . . . then they pay you $600 per week (you DON'T pay this back - it's salary) during the whole TNT phase of your training . . . don't sweat the small stuff (like $32.50) . . . you sound a lot like a Russian I know who really counts his change . . .
Jopa, 32.50 is a lot when your not expecting to have to pay extra and or already running tight on money/ budget. It is also slightly a problem when one hand doesn't talk to the other about requirements and or miss verifies information. Not arguing but getting into this business and having to count your pennies 32.50 can be what gives you food or means your going to bed hungry. The fact remains that it cost me 75 bucks to get my permit in home state plus the cost of having to get it redone here. Also TNT should be 700 from what we have been getting told all week...unless yet again the left hand isn't speaking to the right. I have had no complaints about my experience here but it is hard to maintain a budget to support wife, and 2 children and provide a roof over there head when you have to repay for stuff you've already paid for once...
Again not trying to argue and or throw a fit and or even talk bad about Prime just trying to help as there are a lot of people that this happened to this week and trying to save someone else from being in that same boat for no reason.
Posted: 10 years, 2 months ago
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Any tips on what I should do before going and while there?
Get your permit before you show up because trying to get your permit while their is just one giant stress best left for BEFORE you roll into prime.
While there pay attention, I learned that they hate answering questions that have already been discussed or could have been answered by actually reading the papers they give you at the beginning.
Also be early to everything you have to do ! Trust me when I tell you that they are paying attention to this, on time is late and early is on time. Your entire time here is one giant interview.
Thanks for that. Really helpful. I'm the kind of person that gets there early anyway. I heard the bus ride is one big pain. I'm going next Monday to test for my permit. I assumed it would be better to have anyway.
Pay attention when you take or go to get your permit. Verify if you state allows you to put endorsements onto a permit. If they do NOT do NOT get your permit. Some states will not put them on till you have taken your cdl test. It has cost me and others that went to prime extra money as we had to retake or add on endorsements we already had from other states and you end up paying the full 32.50 for your Missouri permit. If you can put endorsements on get them on...if you have to take tanker when you get here it will cost your 32.50 to get your Missouri permit/the transfer. I basically spent double to get my permit after some bad info was put out via the recruiters and then the people that run the office not talking or relaying the correct information. Regardless DO NOT pay for your permit to take your permit test if the endorsements don't go on your permit.
Posted: 10 years, 2 months ago
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Pre-Trip Inspection - My Way! A must see!
BUMP For the current Prime Class since we have pre trip inspection class in the am....
Posted: 10 years, 2 months ago
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Put your trainer pants back on and pick me up! Lol there are so many PSD 's back because their trainers got fired....at least 5 of them! Makes you feel nervous about what trainer you get.
Josh What school are you attending? And do you have any idea why the trainers were let go. I have read a few recent horror stories about trainers. Maybe they are reading TT as well and getting alot of pushback. Good to see that they are cracking down on them. My belief is that the trainers are the ones who set the standard for the company and safety is the one to enforce that standard. Hope you do not have to wait too long for a trainer. Good luck to you. I start with prime on the 5th
If I recal, Josh is at Prime in Springfield, MO.
Uhh thats not a good sign. I'm headed there in January. Josh keep us posted please. I read alot of good reviews about them and they were honorable mention or something like that last year for the top 20 companies to work for. We just need to keep a positive attitude and do everything we can with our instructors to maximize our learning. If its one thing I've learned in the military is being patient and absorb everything they teach you. someday it could save your life. Also don't go in this with a closed mind. I have every intention of making this a success for me and someday soon setting the example for the newbies that come behind us. Good luck to all of you and have a great Christmas.
Greg I'm pulling in there tomorrow starting the 15th so Ill let you know whats happening closer to your class. Hopefully josh hits the road soon and can give that input as well.
Posted: 10 years, 2 months ago
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Leaving for Prime training Saturday, some questions
Good Luck to you guys that are heading out to Springfield MO for the class starting on the 15th. I won't be there until Jan 5th :( .
Bummer your not making the class.
Posted: 10 years, 2 months ago
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Ok guys got my medical release question sheet today for Prime but have some questions that hopefully you guys can assist with.
I am a vet as am currently still waiting for my VA screening for injuries while serving.
I have tweaked my ACL, and back while serving and also have a cough that just hasn't seemed to gone away since Iraq.
I want to list these on my sheet as I am pending with the VA but will those thing prevent me from getting DOT cleared? I don't want to not put it and then have it come up once the VA does and finalizes my stuff and I get marked with disability amounts. From the initial VA Screening its looking like 40%. None of these things have stopped me from serving the last 2 years minus them recommending that I don't go on airborne status anymore.
What should I do...or should I just not worry and just complete it accurately. I don't want to not do it accurately and then have them pull medical files and get caught on lies or told I'm disqualified from my VA claim as I stated later that they aren't issues...
Posted: 10 years ago
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Yes I have started doing exercise atleast 15 minutes when I stop for my 30 minute break every day, and also when i get to shippers and receivers if the yard isnt super busy. Ill do laps around the truck and jumping jacks, squats usually during the 30 breaks and at receivers and the do pushups and upper exercises when at shippers. You just have to find and set a schedule and suck it up and do it. 15 minutes wont kill you for time or make you into a marathon runner but it for sure helps wake you up if you running full 12 driving shifts and or running late drives. People have given me funny looks at some stops but it doesnt bother me and I feel way better after getting it in a couple times a day. I run team so its harder to get out and do it as we dont stop much so those are my limited options for right now.