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Posted:  10 years ago

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Dufflebag size for a team, driving with a Mentor?

OK, thanks so much for the replies. I'll do my best to write a diary once I get out on the road to inform everyone about my experience with Covenant and their buddy system training program

Posted:  10 years ago

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Dufflebag size for a team, driving with a Mentor?

My girlfriend (of 6 years) and I are going to be driving for Covenant Transport in about a week. We ordered some military bags to use as our dufflebag and they just arrived, the problem is they are pretty big! Perhaps too big...

Here is a link to the bags.

here is a video showing the bag with a person, for scale.

We have two of these, and a bunch of little bags to go inside of them to keep everything organized...

Covenant has a unique "buddy system" for new drivers, it allows me and my girlfriend to drive in the same truck WITH the mentor. After we each complete 280 hours we will have our own truck.

We are concerned our bags may be TOO BIG to fit comfortably in the truck, considering there will be 3 of us in there... Our original thoughts were, "ohh these bags are tall, not long, perfect." but now that we have them we are having some reservations. We're considering sharing 1 dufflebag, but are still not quite sure if that will be too large.

I'm wondering what are the opinions of experienced drivers. Should we just get the standard size dufflebag?

Also, kinda off topic, but i'm interested in hearing any stories from other drivers with experience with Covenant's buddy system... (did alot of research on the internet and found some stories/info but didn't notice any comments from TT on the subject)

Thanks! I love Trucking Truth

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Agreed to start Orientation- too late to go to another company?

Thank you for the quick reply...

another note I forgot to mention is the recruiter did mention setting up greyhound tickets to the terminal, however we haven't gotten an email confirming this.

I thought it might be too late because we agreed to go, and when reading about DAC I noticed they said that if you quit during orientation it can show up on the DAC report... so I wasn't sure if quitting before going, but agreeing verbally over the phone that you would go would count.

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Agreed to start Orientation- too late to go to another company?

My partner and I just got our CDL. We are looking to join a company and stick with it, through thick and thin. We had a long list of prehires and companies we wanted to work for. She had an accident a little over a year ago and it disqualified us from most, even though she did get prehire approved... We spoke with a recruiter for "company g" and agreed over the phone that our orientation will start on March 1st.

However, "Company C"that had initally told us to re-apply in june (when the accident was a full 2 years old) has contacted us and told us that if we are still interested they will take us. "Company C" offers better pay and and other incentives, and was intially very high on our list of possible companies to chose.

Is it too late to go with "Company C" now, since we agreed to start with "company G" in a few weeks?

thanks, I love trucking truth and could not have gotten my CDL without this great website.

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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How to Obtain Old Accident Reports? What is required for applying for PRE HIRE?

Thanks so much for the reply! I'm glad to know I don't need those documents for applying for jobs... Do you think my driving history will really hinder my job hunt? I thought I would be OK for alot of companies, since my past 3 years are clean. Thanks agian!

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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How to Obtain Old Accident Reports? What is required for applying for PRE HIRE?

I really need to start applying for prehires.... I'm just posting to bump this thread up, I hope someone who knows the answer sees this. Thank you.

Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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How to Obtain Old Accident Reports? What is required for applying for PRE HIRE?

I'm getting my CDL Class A January 25th, but I am concerned with my driving history. I have 2 accidents, that I assume have reckless driving charges, and several speeding tickets, as well as one or two other tickets.... They are all older than 3 years, and one of the accidents is older than 5 years. I'm wanting to start applying to several companies, but from what I understand, I need to also attach copies of my Driving History and my Accident Reports. I know I can get my Driving History from my DMV very easily, however I don't know how or where to get the Accident Reports.

Searching online, I always find the same answers, none of which worked.... The suggested answers were, 1) From the DMV- 2)From the Police Dept from the county where the Accident happened - 3) The courthouse in the county where the accident happened.

I called all around and everyone I spoke with was 100% positive they were not able to give me what I needed.

What I need exactly (from what I understand the trucking companies want) is the Accident Report the Police gave me when the accident happened. These reports document where exactly the accident happened, how it happened, who was at fault, what sort of damage was done, who was the officer at the scene, ect...

1) How do I get these reports? 2) Do I really need to send Police Accident Reports to the companies I want to Apply For? 3) What exactly do I need to send when applying for a PRE-HIRE from a Trucking Company?

PS: I know my score on trucking truth is low and very little done, but I have my permit, and I do all my testing and training at a private trucking school and I love the Trucking Truth APP for android and I love reading the manual through the Trucking Truth website.

Thank you to everyone in the Trucking Truth community, I could not have gotten this far without this website! ~Michael

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