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Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Difficulty with Prime trainer. Please advise.
I haven't been able to get ahold of anyone yet since the weekend shift at dispatch can't really do anything. I'll be calling first thing in the morning. My trainer won't let me drive much and frankly when he does he makes me feel like an idiot if I ask any questions or make the slightest mistake. I've really been trying to play it cool since it's not my truck but I'm over it! I can't risk my life or let him risk anyone else's any longer! Totally reporting him. I hate for anyone to get in trouble but I couldn't live with myself if an innocent bystander was hurt or killed. Thank you all for your input!! It just sucks being stuck out here and not knowing the right way things are supposed to be done or how to handle the nonsense.
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Difficulty with Prime trainer. Please advise.
Sorry if that's TMI. It's nice to finally feel heard. Thanks again!
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Difficulty with Prime trainer. Please advise.
LOL.....Thank you Jopa!! :) I figured he was likely on the road but I'm new to this site as of a couple of hours ago so wasn't sure if I was missing something. I will call at our next stop. I tried to get through on Dispatch but he said he didn't know what to tell me cause the regular is out of the office until Monday. It's a real safety issue. The first two times it happened I let it go figuring he was probably dealing with some personal stuff but this week he almost hit the guard rail and swerved off on three different occasions already. I'm hardly able to get enough sleep with the game being on while I'm trying to sleep.
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Met my mentor today and he already lied to me
Wow!! You're getting off good. My trainer doesn't help me with showers at all. $13 a pop at some places. Count your blessings!
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Difficulty with Prime trainer. Please advise.
I sent him a PM but either he's busy or I don't know how to fetch PM's from this site yet. :( Would it send it to my email?
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Difficulty with Prime trainer. Please advise.
So I'm new to trucking and supposed to be getting trained but my trainer is tough to work with. He stays up all hours of the night playing video games and then we roll out after he's had only an hour or two of sleep. He often nods off on the road and I'm scared. He won't let me practice so I can prepare for my test and I don't know what to do. My permit is soon to expire. Please help!! Is there anyone I could call or any advise you can give me?
Call your Safety ASAP!
This is a serious thing and Safety will pull you from truck and get you with another trainer.
Your trainer apears to have no respect and is just in it for the $$. Call safety, your trainers DM. If your not close to a terminal to get off the truck, Prime may stick you in a hotel and get you a bus ticket back out to a terminal
Thank you for the info. I'm really hoping I can get with a good trainer. I know there must still be some really good ones out there!
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Difficulty with Prime trainer. Please advise.
So I'm new to trucking and supposed to be getting trained but my trainer is tough to work with. He stays up all hours of the night playing video games and then we roll out after he's had only an hour or two of sleep. He often nods off on the road and I'm scared. He won't let me practice so I can prepare for my test and I don't know what to do. My permit is soon to expire. Please help!! Is there anyone I could call or any advise you can give me?
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Difficulty with Prime trainer. Please advise.
I contacted dispatch & safety monday and they said I'll have to wait and just test out with this guy since I'm so close to being done. We were supposed to be in Springfield tomorrow but we're heading to Georgia for a load tonight instead. :( This sucks!