live oak, FL
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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ok here's my bio,upstate ny farm boy{dairy,crop}army vet,auto/truck mechanic,still like to farm when i can 2 girls all grown up 1 wife ,chickens rabbit dogs cats birds tryin to buy the place as we speak
Posted: 8 years, 8 months ago
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ok guys/gals hers my first two wk summary as well as remembered;left house al teary eyed Monday pick up split at Jacksonville dropyard didn't know what bb meant[bill box] time wasted arrived at first opt on time sat 3 hrs to unload off and running Jessup ga to Conway ar paked with 1 min on clock,from there to st louis ill,ky,oh,in,ky,oh ill,ky etc etc got turned away w/load that was 4 dys late cuz it sat at yard for a week,meet some really cool people I straight up told'm i'm new first time solo,etc .I just was smiling,polite,asked questions everyone I meet out there was super,sat for hrs,parked in strange places,only problem is with clock management,understanding quelcom jebberish,fleet mgr awesome got extra 50$in pay check for on time delives,and trying to be through no big mistakes this wk.but am going back to a dollar acct that keeps me closer to home[fl.al.ga so miss]more work but home more i'm not a otr're nope not me
Posted: 8 years, 9 months ago
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Well folks it's done/Just getting st rated got off my trainers truck on my 50th b- day none the less finished all my cbt's skills tested get my truck tomorrow going 48 state for starters thanks to t/t and everyone's input ya'll are awesome
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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yes top bunk sleeping his bed was nasty and stunk he also developed a rash, go figure
I believe it's illegal to be in the to bunk while driving. But Ken doesn't mention this.
There are restraints (a big net you pull over you) for the bottom bunk. I had no problem sleeping while the trainer was driving.
I did have a dream that the load was in seats of a Ferris Wheel, and the ride was so bumpy the stuff was failing out. I tried to catch the stuff and put it back on the Wheel.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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I put in for a leave of absence plan on talking to werner [my employer ] on mon to try and figure this out did not realize being thrown around like a rag doll then having to drive is reallywhat i'm looking for ,,,that's all i'm trying to say sir old school,i love the driving,backing in crazy tight spots learned something new each day just can't figure out how to sleep while bouncing I mean moving down the road
Ken, I'm totally confused!
Your comments sound to me like you figured out a way to get out of the trucking business. Am I understanding you correctly? You quit - got off your trainer's truck, and now you're looking for advice.
Oh friend, if I'm reading you correctly, you didn't make it in - you got out.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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well folks I made into the trucking biz,went two weeks out with my trainer [o/o]drove a kw t680 10spd logged almost 8 full days bell to bell all over FL on a home depot acct things were looking good until I had to sleep while the trucks rollin down I75@70*mph then drive all day trying not to get the sleepy nod did not feel safe the last time it happen,first was 3 hrs sleep then drove from GA to Miami and back was not gonna happen again got of truck called my liaison now home wondering what next maybe local? filled out app with ccc any thouhts .....anyone
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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finally done passed my final one and done average 95.90 total headed to werner on the 20th any advice anybody
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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so I've made it to my last few days at roadmasters j-ville fl,alls well and as expected pre-trip pre-trip and pre-trip again and again lots of pad time not as much road time as i'd like but whatcha goona do.got pulled into the office with two other class mates told that they'd been watching us from day one [good attitudes, on time ,class participation,pad,driving etc etc ,anyway we are now in werners preferred drivers program,kinda like the deans list only with more bennies pretty flipp'in cool a real confidence booster look forward to seeing where this road takes me after graduation LORD willing I hope and pray to be in orientation the week of the 18th april thanks to all for everything posted ken
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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just finished week one at roadmasters j-ville fl wow brain a little cooked,logs and re-caps pre-trips over and over,i been on the pad with the other classes when not doing nothing I can not believe how others just don't seem to take this seriously we've lost over half our class and some from other classes just don't seem to care or just think it'll happen,i've seen many people today all upset they didn't pass but when I watch them they drive like they had no instruction at all then you listen to the instructors and they say some just think they'll just pass,,,,really wow
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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I don't think I want a auto right-away i'm not sure
Yes Werner has autos, I'm in one now. They are buying a whole bunch more this year. They are looking at half their fleet being auto by the end of this year and in the next year or so after that, they are looking to get that number up to 80%.
Posted: 8 years, 8 months ago
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First two weks solo
thanks paul i'll do my best right now I just want to keep going and stay focused and get paid ,,,,and not hit anything