New Orleans, LA
Driving Status:
In CDL School
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Lead, follow, or get the heck out of the way...
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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I have had to buy my own shower a couple of times when my trainer didn't want to use a shower credit to have a shower.
Are you kidding me!!!
No. He may not be a shower often kinda guy but he hasn't taken a dump in a bucket yet.
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Now when it comes to sleeping i put my bags on the passenger seat so that i have my whole bunk free.
That makes sense to me. I've been wondering why more than one person has mentioned that you have to sleep with your luggage. Any reason for that?
I dont think there is any more reason other than they just didnt think of it. You will have to stow your bags on your bunk in such a way though that they wont fly forward and become missiles in the event thst you or your trainer has to brake hard. He or she should show you how to do this as soon as you get on board. I stow mine at the head and foot of my bunk behind the cabinets when we're (i'm)driving.
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Traffic Warning; Kicking Myself!
Yeah being in PSD doesnt give me a whole lot of free time these days. I test out on monday and if all goes well i will be going into phase 2 or TNT training after that. I have a pretty good trainer in the big scope of things. Ive learned a lot from him and will learn a lot more. I have to admit though i have taught him a thing ot two from what ive learned on here. Its been fun showing him how to save time using the split sleeper rule and making appointment times he didnt think we could make because of it
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Hey guys I'm currently in the late stages of PSD training with PRIME . I go to test out for my cdl next monday. Ive been on my trainers truck for about 4 weeks now and i will be with him for about 6 more once we go TNT. I can give you a bit of advice on packing because my trainer has given me no room on the truck to store my stuff so it all has to fit in my duffle bags. First its a good idea to bring about 7 pairs of underwear. You wont change them everyday but i do change at least every other day. This will last you a good two weeks between laundry days. Plenty of socks and t shirts as well. Pants about 4 or 5 pairs should be fine. Again you will wear them for more than one day at a time. I happen to like polo shirts for comfort and professional appearance and have about 7 of them in different colors. They are all lightweight and dry easily for the odd time i may get a little warm and sweat. You will want a good pair of gloves for work and cold weather as well as a pair of rubber gloves for fueling. I also have a lightweight jacket that is very warm for the odd time when the weather changes and it gets chilly out. Now when it comes to sleeping i put my bags on the passenger seat so that i have my whole bunk free. Its a pretty small space so dont crowd it by trying to sleep with your duffle bags. I usually get up before my trainer and get going on my pretrip while he is getting dressed so i am ready to roll by the time he is finally dressed. I usually wear a pair of slip on leather shoes or sometimes if it's warm and im wearing shorts i will wear sneakers but most times its my leather loafers. I have yet to visit a shipper or receiver who requires boots must less steel toes but follow your company guidelines on this. I usually do laundry about every other week and i try and shower every other day. Sometimes this is not possible but i try to stick to it whether my trainer does or doesnt. I have had to buy my own shower a couple of times when my trainer didn't want to use a shower credit to have a shower. I dont consider this a big deal as i have a pretty good trainer in the big scope of things. Hope this helps take out some of the mystery as to what it may be like being on the road with a trainer.
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Traffic Warning; Kicking Myself!
Bit of advice for you from a retired cop. If you EVER get pulled over and the officer asks you ,"do you know why i pulled you over"? ALWAYS say, "no officer, i have no idea." Always Make the officer explain why he pulled you over. Saying yes means you basically just admitted you knowingly committed a violation. Answering no and making the officer explain his reason for pulling you over makes him/her have to state the probable cause they needed to stop you. I admit you got off easy with a warning but if the cop wanted to be a "richard" he could have cited you for speeding AND probably cited you knowingly using a defective vehicle. Like i said, i am a retired cop and there are plenty of good guys behind the badge but there are also plenty of not so nice guys. Dont ever give up your rights by not knowing them.
Posted: 10 years, 12 months ago
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I leave for Prime training tomorrow. I hope I'm not sitting long past orientation.
Right now the waiting period is about a week. You will be joing about 100 others this week. We still have about 30 or 40 PSD students waiting on instructors.
Posted: 10 years, 12 months ago
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Folks, Decou has been here for awhile. Sitting on the sidelines warming the bench for awhile
Just HAD to rub that in, didnt ya??
Posted: 10 years, 12 months ago
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Just saw the Story about the Utah Trucker
If they are tied up or even drugged it can easily go unnoticed for months. Bathing is not an issue.
Yea... Not for truckers at least.
Trust me brother, it doesnt seem to be an ussue for students either. Some if these folks who im in class with are already getting a headstart.
Posted: 11 years ago
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Is that an expense thay they cover up front and you pay it back when you go solo or is that out of pocket? Do you know of you can do the test somewhere else prior to going to Prime? I'm looking at going to Prime training in August. I'm hoping to lose a bunch of weight prior to leaving but need a backup plan just in case. It seems like they are hustling people. That's my fear. Showing up and not being able to afford the study and then get sent home where I already quit my job.
Any one have an answer to the payment question?
IF you get slated for a sleep study it works like this. You will get a 2 month med card instead of two year. You will NOT take your sleep exam until you finish your training period buy you WILL have to take it and get the results BEFORE you test for your CDL. The test costs $625 to the driver. Prime pays the almost $2400 balance. Yeah,you read that right. A sleep test costs about $3000. Still think Prime is out to screw their drivers then why would they pick up almost 3/4 of the cost of the test?? They WANT Safe drivers, bottom line. If you are shown to have sleep apnea you will be required by Prime to buy a cpap machine. If you pass then you only pay the $625 and again its taken out in small weekly amounts over the course of a year. The cost of both the test AND the machine are taken out in small weekly amounts over the course of a year. Now what will get you slated for a sleep study you ask?? Your BMI. 39 and above, BAM! Sleep study. So if your concerned, start losing weight NOW. My only beef with this is that i think EVERYONE should be required to undergo a sleep study because weight alone is not the only risk factor for obstructive sleep apnea. Anyone could have it and not even exhibit the risk factors. Let me assure you, Prime is not "hustling" anyone. They want their drivers alert and safe. Put it this way. If your coming into this industry broke or low on cash then Prime may not be the best company for you. Prime require its drivers to purchase a LOT of equipment. Locks, load locks, tarps,straps,chains,etc...those are ALL on the driver to purchase. Now that being said,when you leave, its yours to keep, but you WILL be required to buy it. And you will NOT be making any income, other than an advance of $200/week while you are a student to eat. You do not earn an income until you pass your CDL and get hired,so just keep that in mind. Prime is a good company but its not the place to start if you need money NOW!!
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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The restaurant in TA/Petro that offers second plate
Country kitchen