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Posted: 10 years, 2 months ago
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Driver Record and CDL Job Placement
Here's an update:
I have recently talked to Werner and was informed (through mostly implication, not anything worth quoting in the free press) that my moving violations are technically NOT reckless driving, since under the description on my driver record it only states "Speeding".
Now, I am not sure that this is something that is accurate across all companies, but I thought it would be worth mentioning in case it helps to shed light on my scenario (or potentially other's) and aid anyone joining the conversation in understanding the 'situation'.
Posted: 10 years, 2 months ago
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Driver Record and CDL Job Placement
The 4* refers to the 4 points that are still on my record currently. All other points have fallen off and are no longer active. To clarify, is it your opinion that an expunged driver record is still not adequate enough? From what I have found, it is possible to completely expunge your driver record in Indiana. Even if expungement is not attainable for me, would postponing my CDL career ( until the violations are considered 'old' by company standards) be a sufficient way of securing employment?
In other words, what course of action would you take?
Thanks again for all the information.
Posted: 10 years, 2 months ago
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Driver Record and CDL Job Placement
Thanks for the reply Old School.
I have looked further into this and have found I can receive a 4 point credit on my Driver Record if I complete some driver safety classes. Is this something that could aid my quest for employment? In a related sense, would cleaning my record completely (with the aid of legal representation) positively affect my ability to be hired? Also, in the case that I do get hired, would my *future* work history bear more weight than my driver record?
Thanks again for any and all information.
Posted: 10 years, 2 months ago
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Driver Record and CDL Job Placement
To TruckingTruth members,
I'm currently researching a career as a truck driver and just recently located my driver record.
Here is what it looks like :
Date Pts Offense
10/07/2013 4* Speeding 80/60
11/15/2011 6 Disregarding Stop Sign
6/26/2009 2 Speeding 45/30
I am wondering if anyone has any knowledge regarding the potentiality for someone with such a record to find employment. I understand that the two speeding charges are considered reckless. Any and all information you would be willing to share is greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your time,
Posted: 10 years, 2 months ago
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A month of trucking with Daniel B.
I vote for this to continue as well. Seems like an invaluable asset for anyone thinking of becoming a truck driver.
Thanks for all the info thus far.
Posted: 10 years, 2 months ago
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Driver Record and CDL Job Placement
Thanks again for your response.
I have been completely upfront with all of the recruiters I've talked to and will continue to communicate in a manner such as the one you mentioned. So far, it has been received very positively and should aid tremendously with attaining pre-hires before attending school.
Thanks again for your time,