Westminster, CA
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 5 years ago
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Been out of trucking for two years
So I just started trucking two years ago, unfortunately, I did not learn from backing from the school because the school had a trick black dot on the trailer to help with offsetting and parallel parking. When I was with Swift had a bad experience with an owner-operator trainer that just use me for a paycheck. I just left Swift after that because of the experience I had with them. After that, I had gastric bypass surgery so I can take the sleep apnea off my medical card. The problem I have now is that being out of work for the past 2 years I try to give Swift another chance but the work history gap was a no go for them. I probably would need to get a refresher course for my backing skills and not sure what company that would take me beside C.R. England and CRST.
Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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Ketogenic diet / Low Carb diet and Trucking
How hard is it to do the Ketogenic Diet for OTR driver? I would think it would be a pain to get the food for the week at Wal-mark if you have time for it. From my understanding is that most drivers just eat at the truck stops vs cooking food in the truck not sure if it's true or not. How did you like the Ketogenic Diet from what I know about it's the best Diet to go on for type 2 diabetes and would help with High blood pressure.
Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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Congratulations on getting your CDL!!!!!!
Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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Thanks how often do you use your road atlas? Is it just to double check GPS to make sure the GPS is right?
Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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As a new driver that just got his cdl should I get a road atlas before I go on a trainers truck or should I wait until I get my own truck? Do you have to keep upgrading the road atlas each year or Just wait a year or two before getting a new one? I am thinking about getting the rand McNally Motor carrier atlas 2018 was told this was the best atlas to get not sure if it is or not.
Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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What do you think is better between the Garmin or rand McNally?
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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So is the sleep study mandatory now?
I was thinking about going to swift vs prime and to do with the sleep study before I go.
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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So is the sleep study mandatory now?
So would it be better if I did the sleep study before I go a company or just wait until I go one and have them do a sleep study?
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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So is the sleep study mandatory now?
Thanks my Insurance I have now will Cover a sleep study so that is why I am thinking about getting one done before I go a Company. I also hear good things about prime unfortunately for me while I was in truck driving school I was told they don't like to hire people that are on high blood pressure medication that and it is harder to get a job at prime vs other companies.
Posted: 5 years ago
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Been out of trucking for two years
Thank you old school for the reply. I am thankful for the trucking school because I did got my cdl but it took me 3 tries to get it others students also. I do understand that I should just go to any company that will take me the only reason why I made this post is because everyone says to me don’t go to CR England or CRST.