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Company Driver In Training
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Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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I have had sleep apnea for years, and like any other issue it's something you get use to and learn to live with. I sleep 6 hours and wake well rested and never fall a sleep during the day. There is no reason to assume a driver with sleep apnea is any more at risk than one who is not. If you know your limitations and plan for adaquit sleep time you are just as safe as the next guy.
The studies conducted by the dot were horribly flawed and should not be accepted as the truth. The crashes cited were due to distraction in most cases, not falling asleep at the wheel.
If you go to a clinic and answer the questions honestly good on you, but I refuse to be singled out due to a condition that has not been scentificaly linked to increased risk and possibly be taken off the road. For those who wonder I do hold a bachelors in nursing, and did 11 years in the army with sleep apnea working in the worst situations while sleep deprived. I never ever fell asleep on the job. This might not be the case with everyone with the condition but only you the individual knows your limitations.
Take breaks as needed and sleep as needed, if you can't stay awake park the truck. Rule applies to anyone, but read the studies and be informed
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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DOT physical at western express
Thanks for this post I'm catching a bus there tomorrow and of course there are jitters. This will be my first trucking job and I'm excited. Thanks for the great site
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Sleep apnea test
I did just this, had a three month card due to being sick at the time of my first physical and meds caused high bp. Went in to a different more professional clinic a month later and got a two year card. Some doctors and clinics are stricter than others and looking to throw you under the bus. Ask around at school for a good clinic. If in Colorado springs avoid emergicare at all costs especially if you are over weight.