Mexico, MO
Driving Status:
Preparing For School
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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I am starting school in Indianapolis on Monday 12th of January, I will be posting daily updates.
OK, I arrived at the Celadon training school today and we assigned my dorm room. Classes start at 8am in the morning, excited to get started.
Nice, good luck. I recently graduated from Miller-Motte with my Class A CDL, and I start training with Roehl Transport for flatbed on 1/19 in Gary Indiana.
Watch yourself in Gary...that's a rough town to be in and I'm not joking. I used to live near there when I was a teenager and from what I have heard from all my friends back home it's gotten even worse since I moved away.
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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Problems With My Company Truck
If that was me I would pull over and tell them you aren't driving another mile until it gets serviced and legal. If you have a contract (and don't quote me on this because I am not a driver yet and I could be telling you something stupid) you could tell them if it's not fixed or they don't supply you with another truck that you will breach the contract and go drive for someone else. Keep a record of all your communications you have with them and if leaving for another company is what it takes for you to be a safe driver let them take you to court for breach of contract and use all the communications you've had with them regarding it just in case you need it for evidence to prove that you were doing what you are supposed to and not driving a non-legal and unsafe tractor.
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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To make you feel better hair test if your an infrequent smoker and have a clean system for a month straight would not even register I know this for a fact my (sister) does such testing so throw that 6 months BS out the window
I thought the whole purpose of a hair test was because it went back further than a urine test? Why would they give a hair test if it isn't any better than a UA?
I believe he's misinformed completely. I just searched this and found a site that says when hair tests are used that they will cut off 1.5 inches of hair from the root end and the rest is discarded. That 1.5 inches equates to about 3 months.
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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When was THE VERY LAST TIME you smoked? Chances are - you will still fail a hair screening. Now - hair screenings aren't accepted as "DOT Reportable" - but they are still considered a pre-employment-screening fail - and if you fail one - you fail.
So you want to make sure you can pass ANY DRUG SCREEN - before you consider applying seriously to anyone.
While it may vary from company to company - I would consider WHO you want to go with - contact their recruiter - and BE HONEST WITH THEM.
Tell them you failed a pre-employment screen for weed with CRST - don't make excuses, or tell them you were only an "occasional smoker". Just ask what you need to do, to qualify for training/employment with them.
Drug tests don't determine how much or how often - just that you WERE - within the limitations of the test itself.
You're just going to have to "roll the dice" and see what happens.
The very last time I smoked was at the very end of October, possibly the first few days of November but definitely no later than November 5th. I do believe I had already talked with Prime before, which is who I was thinking of going to school for since it is located in my home state and I absolutely HATE riding on the buses and I've also heard some good things about them.
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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But seeing as DAC is the federal reporting agency and mine was erased from my report I shouldn't have anything there now, correct?
If I were to try and apply for another school how would I go about doing so? I do know they ask if a drug screen was failed in the past, but if I mark down "YES" but there is no box for me to explain the fact that my positive results were disputed and resolved what else can I do?
Your RESULTS weren't disputed - and proven false. CRST simply failed to respond to the dispute on the DAC.
You didn't dispute the TEST RESULTS - just the REPORT.
Company: Your DAC shows you were with CRST. What happened? You: Failed drug screen. Company: Did you complete a SAP/Re-employment process. You: No Company: have a nice day.
DAC is not a "federal agency" - they are similar to a CONSUMER CREDIT REPORT (equifax, etc.). And they are governed by the same rules as credit reporting agencies. You can dispute anything on the report - if the reporter doesn't answer the dispute - it gets taken off. Similar to, if you had a bad mark on your credit report, disputed it and the creditor failed to respond. Doesn't mean you didn't default on your credit - just that THEY didn't respond to the dispute.
Doesn't mean you didn't drop a hot pee. Doesn't mean if a company you're applying to calls CRST, they aren't going to tell them you failed a drug screen. Getting it removed from your DAC doesn't mean the test was wrong - or you got away with it.
We did this dance, when you first got sent home. YOU DROPPED HOT. You didn't deny drug use - you just thought it would "slide by" - and it didn't. You weren't "unjustly accused", it wasn't a "false positive" - you got busted. Period - end of story.
Now you say that you weren't a stoner pothead, that it was recent and infrequent use - and we're all more than willing to believe you. But you WERE USING, and you DID DROP A HOT.
There is a mandated procedure to return to work in a "Safety Sensitive DOT Employment", and you didn't follow that procedure.
I'm not trying to be an insensitive harda$$ here - facts are facts and rules are rules.
Well I never was going to call you an insensitive harda$$. You're giving me info that I need and it's the RIGHT info and that's what matters. I have no issue doing the mandatory SAP program I just need to come up with the money to do so. I also don't know exact protocol and that is why I posted the thread.
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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I think there's another report from the doctors that give pre employment drug screens because trucking companies can see if you failed one before even if it wasn't for a trucking job. Ie ( say factory drug test that someone has failed)... I'm not 100% sure on that but when I went to swift they sent a guy home cuz he lied and said he never failed a drug test and they found out he did and that test wuz for a job other then a trucking job....
The letter I received today stated "In addition, HireRight has notified any companies that requested a report on you in the last 30 days that contained the disputed information about the completion of the reinvestigation"
But as I said before, after this happened I requested that HireRight send me a copy of my background check and where it listed drug test results on the background check it said there was no information but on a separate sheet it indicated that CRST provided DAC with further details about my positive test result.
And if CRST was on your DAC - any potential future employer is (likely) going to ask them about you. And if you don't list them as an employer - even though you got bounced in pre-employment/orientation - you could still have a potential issue for lying on your application.
As you were advised when this first arose - a failed drug screen is going to be tough to get around. And if you hit an employer that does hair screening - you may still come up dirty (6 month window on hair testing).
I feel for you. I was on pain meds for an auto accident for awhile. I still get the headaches - but I came off the meds earlier in the year - as I am reconsidering putting my 5 year old CDL to work, and don't want to take any chances with a failed screen - even with a doctors letter.
A hot drug screen is one of the most difficult things to overcome in this industry. Had you done the "return to duty" procedure mandated by failing a test - you would probably be only a month or two from being able to "honestly apply" for a driving position.
One of the questions on pretty much any application is going to be: "have you ever failed a screening?" Get caught lying, and you're screwed.
I believe that failed DOT screenings are also reported at the state and perhaps federal level.
But seeing as DAC is the federal reporting agency and mine was erased from my report I shouldn't have anything there now, correct?
If I were to try and apply for another school how would I go about doing so? I do know they ask if a drug screen was failed in the past, but if I mark down "YES" but there is no box for me to explain the fact that my positive results were disputed and resolved what else can I do?
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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Problems With My Company Truck
Okay, I'm a brand new driver, just picked up my first truck and my first load. This is a question for veteran drivers out there.
Just got my company truck a 2013 right out of the gate but clearly the last driver who had it really couldn't drive it well, didn't maintain it well or had the same problems with our break down call center I now am. My engine is making REALLY LOUD NOISES. I called it in and they sent out a dummy who said it could be a pully, could be the ac. He has no idea. No fix to the problem. I also informed the company that there's a bent tandom rim and the tire keeps running low. The mud flaps on the tractor, left is torn right is missing. The trailer one rear marker lamp is out and one front marker lamp is broken and taped together while a 3rd is hanging off. At ideal I loss oil pressure, truck stops and the tack just drops. I checked the oil and its full. The tractor is also due for p m. Can't get to a terminal right now but the company will not allow me to take it any where to handle any of these problems. Need this job and don't want to quit, but also don't need DOT to pull me in for an inspection I know I will fail. Almost happened today in Texas lucky for me they flaged me threw, before they heard my engine noise as I drove out of there! Almost forgot one thing, right fuel tank was dented when I picked up the truck and after I filled it up today I noticed sepage from the fuel cap down the side of the tank! Should I maybe call our safety director since service will not help me out with all this?
Did you not inspect the truck before you took it? I would have never left the terminal without a different truck or that the issues were fixed regardless of what they told me.
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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I think there's another report from the doctors that give pre employment drug screens because trucking companies can see if you failed one before even if it wasn't for a trucking job. Ie ( say factory drug test that someone has failed)... I'm not 100% sure on that but when I went to swift they sent a guy home cuz he lied and said he never failed a drug test and they found out he did and that test wuz for a job other then a trucking job....
The letter I received today stated "In addition, HireRight has notified any companies that requested a report on you in the last 30 days that contained the disputed information about the completion of the reinvestigation"
But as I said before, after this happened I requested that HireRight send me a copy of my background check and where it listed drug test results on the background check it said there was no information but on a separate sheet it indicated that CRST provided DAC with further details about my positive test result.
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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Where to Get Fire Extinguisher
Thank you! My co-driver is telling me we just need a reload sticker. Is there such a thing?
There are companies that I have seen here in Missouri that I know have come out to the various manufacturing places I have worked to re-certify all of their extinguishers...but to be honest it might be the same price as just buying a new one, just keep the receipt and make the company pay for it.
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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Will a school accept me NOW??
Well I just thought I would update this, but I have no idea if this impacts the question originally posted.
I updated my profile over at everytruckjob and have been getting phone calls and emails left and right since then. The only thing is that NONE of these recruiters know the answer to my question either. I don't want to go through the admissions process and get to a school only to find out that I get sent home and have wasted money. But it's a good sign, right?