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Posted: 10 years ago
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My 3rd day of drivers training and my trainer says he is going to test me in heavy traffic. I say bring it on. Well it was an eye opening experience. I was scared s!!@#@ it is very taxing on you and your nerves. Missed a few gears, had some heavy braking and near misses but didn't hit anything , or be hit. I made it through but it was hard. Wore me out. Day 4 I will learn to drive with cruise control. My right leg is sore from pushing down all day. Never realized how hard truck driving can be. I will survive my 6 weeks and it will be worth it.
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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I am training at a company driving school. Was sent there to be taught to shift the gears better and to backup better. Unfortunately I didn't get to practice very much. Too many students and they expect you to do it in 20 minutes. Here is what you do here is how to do it now do it. So my training was not a lot of hands on. But I did learn a lot about how to recover from missing gears. Now I must go to orientation and then on the road with a trainer. Hope I can get everything right and not **** off the trainer because I wasn't able to practice every manover they taught me. Am happy to get a new career going. Their is so much to learn.
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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I went to an orientation today and the company put you thru several physical agility tests. You had to step up onto a 12 inch box for about a minute, then they had you do 10 squats where you had to touch the floor with your hands, Then they had you carry 30 pounds in front of you 30 feet and then carry 50 pounds 30 feet. Then you had to go under a mock truck for 30 seconds. Then you had to lift 30 pounds off the floor 10 times. Then they wanted you to climb in the back of a mock truck step, step, kneel on floor with both knees and then stand up. Unfortunately for me, I failed the test because I could not kneel on my knees. Is this what all companies do to weed out the unfit drivers. I just got out of truck school and really need a job badly. Any one know of a company that does not require all this physical stuff? If I could use a small step ladder, what would be the problem with that to get into the back of the trailer. This is something they don't tell you in trucking school. Oh and I forgot, they monitored your heart rate after each exercise, and it had to be under a certain number for your age. I passed all that, but not kneeling. I said to them does it really matter how you get into the back of a trailer and they said it had to be their way. Any comments on this would be appreciated. Thanks
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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I am trying to get a job fresh out of truck school and have found out that you need to do a physical test that the company dictates. I have a knee replacement and have trouble bending it. I want to know if it is mandatory in order to get a job. Do all companies do this? Are there any companies that don't require this test? .I really need to work but am worried I won't get one because of my knee. Any help would be appreciated.
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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What happens when you don't get hired
Was told I am taking too long to progress in training program. What do I do now? I am a little more slower in grasping everything I need to do with driving the truck. I know what to do and I thought I was getting it all down. Should I continue my quest or give up.?