Columbus, GA
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
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Hi I'M 58 Years old A father of 6 and grandfather of 26 had been out of the trucking field since 1995, Back in since 2015. I been married for 30 years. I like to work on box 80's cars like the Chevrolet Caprice and Buick Lesabre to name a few, also I do some Computer and Cell Phone Repair in my LIMITED amount of spare time. Hazmat,TWIC Doubles/Triples and Tanker Endorsements, reefer,dry van and container experience running all 48 winter,spring, summer and fall
Posted: 1 year, 10 months ago
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I see a lot of companies advertising job openings that dont advertise their truck governed speed, Hometime, etc. why?
IS Safety the main reason these companies only run 65 MPH?
Is it because these companies mainly hire new drivers with little or no experience?
Why is getting basic Information like pulling teeth from these companies (hometime,CPM, truck amenities(Apu, Inverters,Refrigerators, inward facing cameras etc.)
A Trucking Company Recruiter ask me was the truck speed more important than making money?
What are the experienced Drivers views on this?
What should these job openings ads have upfront in there ads in your views without you having to ask ?
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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Gross pay, net pay and Direct amount dont add up?
Are you able to take a screenshot of the settlement? For my Samsung Galaxy I hold the power and home button at the same time. After you have the screenshot you can edit it to change the size of what's included in the pic as well as drawing on it to black out information you wish you keep private. Then in the comment section here there is a button that says photo. Upload the photo you wish to be added and press Go! Wait until it adds the coding to the bottom of your post and press preview to ensure it uploaded correctly and you're happy with it.
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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Gross pay, net pay and Direct amount dont add up?
OAKWOOD GA GAINESVILLE GA Empty 8.0 015 02/12/20 02/12/20 45.00 $3.60 GAINESVILLE GA CHICAGO IL Loaded 763.0 015 02/12/20 02/14/20 45.00 $343.35 Order Deductions/Earnings Type Description Memo Date Unit Rate After-tax deduction Wash/Washout 2049611701 02/14/20 1.00 26.000 -$26.00 Reimbursement Wash 02/14/20 1.00 26.000 $26.00 ORDER TOTAL $346.95 __________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SETTLEMENT 0038312 CHICAGO IL PLEASANT PRAIRIE WI Empty 53.0 015 02/14/20 02/14/20 45.00 $23.85 PLEASANT PRAIRIE WI MACON GA Loaded 872.0 015 02/14/20 02/17/20 45.00 $392.40 Order Deductions/Earnings Type Description Memo Date Unit Rate Earning Detention - Company 02/17/20 1.00 14.000 $14.00 Reimbursement Windshield Mount 02/17/20 1.00 19.990 $19.99 ORDER TOTAL $450.24 FTER TAX DEDUCTIONS ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Order Number Description Memo Date Unit Rate 10% Freedom Adv Fee Part 1 02/14/20 50.00 0.100 -$5.00 10% Freedom Adv Fee part 2 02/14/20 100.00 0.100 -$10.00 Advance 2049611703 02/14/20 1.00 52.000 -$52.00 Advance 11703 02/14/20 1.00 102.000 _________ -$102.00 _________ -$169.00 _________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PAY SUMMARY Units Rate Total Miles 1696.00 45.00 $763.20 Total DTC - Detention - Company 1.00 14.000 ___________ $14.00 ORDER PAY: $763.20 OTHER EARNINGS: ___________ $14.00 TOTAL GROSS EARNINGS: $777.20 AFTER TAX DEDUCTIONS: -$195.00 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENTS: ___________ $45.99 NET PAY: ___________ $628.19 ___________ ORDERS: 2 MOVES: 4 TOTAL MILES: 1696.0 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DISPATCH SUMMARY LOADED MILES: 163
Just started with new company on 10th of February 2020! My first Settlement says 777.20 Gross and Net 628.19 Mine bank shows 588.00 deposited
I called payroll the lady says pay is correct ok but why is my Direct Deposit 40.00 short from my Net pay ? Even if I owed the bank money they would show the 628.19 as deposited right and the balance would be different! She told me at first it's because of per diem ? Then that she is not responsible for taxes but net comes after all deductions, Shouldn't the net pay be the same as the amount deposited?
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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Gross pay, net pay and Direct amount dont add up?
How do I upload from android phone?
Just started with new company on 10th of February 2020! My first Settlement says 777.20 Gross and Net 628.19 Mine bank shows 588.00 deposited
I called payroll the lady says pay is correct ok but why is my Direct Deposit 40.00 short from my Net pay ? Even if I owed the bank money they would show the 628.19 as deposited right and the balance would be different! She told me at first it's because of per diem ? Then that she is not responsible for taxes but net comes after all deductions, Shouldn't the net pay be the same as the amount deposited?
Man, I would think so. Currently looking at my hubby's pay stub for this week, and the net sure does match the auto deposit. Always does. Sounds like it's on your company end, not the bank. If you 'did' owe the bank money for a prior overdraft or whatnot, it would be a separate line item on your bank statement.
Can you post a copy of your settlement from your company; maybe one of the veterans/moderators here, will see something you don't and my green self might not know about? I'd be questioning that, too.
Be safe~!
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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Gross pay, net pay and Direct amount dont add up?
Will post Settlement just trying to figure out how to redac
Te personal info on phone first nothing on it about anything else just NET 628.19
Did the company withhold the $40 for something else, such as chains, locks, miscellaneous gear, pet deposit, rider insurance, etc.?
this is exactly my thinking
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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Gross pay, net pay and Direct amount dont add up?
Just started with new company on 10th of February 2020! My first Settlement says 777.20 Gross and Net 628.19 Mine bank shows 588.00 deposited
I called payroll the lady says pay is correct ok but why is my Direct Deposit 40.00 short from my Net pay ? Even if I owed the bank money they would show the 628.19 as deposited right and the balance would be different! She told me at first it's because of per diem ? Then that she is not responsible for taxes but net comes after all deductions, Shouldn't the net pay be the same as the amount deposited?
Posted: 7 years, 7 months ago
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HEY EVERYBODY ITS ME AGAIN Well out looking again for another job this time i finally don't care what trucks company have or how they are outfitted! I have found out APU'S,inverters, and a fridge is nothing compared to low pay and miles, and i can't eat a pretty truck, at THIS POINT I DON'T REALLY CARE IF THE TRUCK ONLY RUNS 60 MPH!
Before anyone jumps to judge me i have had one ticket in the last 3 yrs 7 mph over! no dot reportable accidents, no failed drug test or anything else to make me a risky hire! I am just tired of companies not keeping their part of our agreement, If they say i have to run 3 weeks at a time i'll do it with no complaints but when its time to go home i expect to get home(freight allowing) not being sent West from PA to new mexico while i live in GA 2 TO 3 DAYS BEFORE I'M SUPPOSE TO BE GOING HOME! I thought Marine recruiters could lie in the 70's but these truck recruiters have made it a new art form! I HAVE YET MET A FM,DM YET WITH ANY KIND OF BACKBONE OR HONOR! kNOWING i haven't met they all, but the few I have met leaves me thinking if i was in combat with them, can you say "friendly fire" . Ok bad joke!
All I want is the pay promised, and the hometime ASAP due to my location as promised, and no phone calls while i'm sleeping on my 10 hr dot break!
Looking at Heartland,barr-nun and jb hunt intermodal and a new company with only 3 trucks 7 sons out of georgia,maybe smaller would be better?
I'M old at 58 no longer is a mans word his bond it seems, I'm not looking to BE baby sitted but if keep my word i expect the same, (trying to get into heaven now-LOL)
I dont hang out in truck stops and only stop because of the gladly accepted 30 min rule! we drivers love so!
I'M NOT perfect and sometimes that old tymes MARINE shows his head, but leave me alone and let me drive and i'm as happy as a ------- in a pecker tree!
Anybody got any half descent leads, Don't worry I won't use your name. If your'e worried !
Well get some rest and be safe thanks
Posted: 1 year, 10 months ago
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Driver Shortage Myth Busted
They say we drivers work 70 hrs a week we can drive for 70 hrs but the time away from home is more like 140 hrs or more being most companies demand 7-10 days out with 1 day earned for hometime and then there the companies who offer hometime to do a 34 hr reset during the week or weekend!
There is no shortage of drivers or potential drivers that the trucking companies aren't causing themselves! We are the only industry that demands over 40 hrs a week with no overtime or 2 days off a week?
Just look at the trucking jobs ads online most have 65 mph trucks ( no rider policies, driver facing cameras, false hiring bonus/ other bonuses,they can and always take or have a way to take from you if they want) 7-10 days and some wanting 3-4 weeks out before hometime is allowed!
besides the industry pushes driver shortages to the public in order to get federal tax breaks and government subsidies also!
they need orphans and the homeless for there drivers, always pushing we treat you like family because you're going to spend more of your time making their families rich then time with your own family! I see drivers commenting they know me by name I guess these drivers never heard of caller ID or know the companies computer have their profile which shows the driver profile when you call in!