Maggie Valley, NC
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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750k is minimum, most brokers, especially being new won't look at you without a million base. Try hitting MATS OR GATS with as much of a plan as you have as there will be a couple of dozen insurance companies trying to get your attention.
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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From Company truck driver to owner operator questions
Old School, your numbers are pretty good, I'm a little lower on my cpm (roughly $!.56) which will continue to vary as I buy a new truck one part at a time. Your logic is spot on with the risk/reward factor but I've come into this from a different view point. Been in commercial construction where yep, I'm the guy in charge BUT in reality the schedule calls the shots. Example, last Christmas day I was out of town on a job tying up loose ends on the site to be ready for the crew the following day. No problem except that actually seemed normal to me. Fast forward, taking 6 days off to have some fun with my son during fall break this week. That is what really works for me. Money is nice and will continue to improve as I clean up my lanes/work on finding that elusive niche but not my priority. You are absolutely correct, it is not a get rich quick scheme, just something that dovetails nicely with my next 10 years.
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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From Company truck driver to owner operator questions
Uber, couldn't agree more but it gets old being told what one can't do. Don't like having someone else's limitations placed on me!
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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From Company truck driver to owner operator questions
Hey old school, yes I did say your free time is spent tracking slack payments, it's called business and is not unique to trucking. As far as pitfalls, half my fam damily are million mile o/o who think I'm crazy as well. Point is, show me a problem, I'll show you an opportunity. Yep, top performance is rewarded in my world too although I am sure my numbers will improve with time/experience/equipment refinement...
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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From Company truck driver to owner operator questions
And for the record, personally think the OP's (nothing to lose approach) is a recipe for disaster. The veterans of this site are wise in staying company. 59 and broke is not a business model, think foundation.
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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From Company truck driver to owner operator questions
Scott, rough numbers for equipment were 17k for tractor, 22 for trailer (aluminum, Canada compliant step). Trailer pays the bills... Paper side of the house was easily under a thousand excluding insurance (got lucky there with a good credit score) which can be broken down. Went to a NASTC seminar which turned out to be a sales pitch for compliance issues which in turn became a penny a mile peace of mind. Money well spent although OOIDA and many others do the same. Be careful of the scammers as as soon as my numbers came up the phone/mail box exploded with "services" which are all free online. Expect 3 months no cash{worst case} and you will probably work as hard at billing/receivables as a full lumber tarp but that's what your 10 is for. Again, not for everyone but couldn't be happier! And for the record, just want to make a decent living on MY OWN TERMS!
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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From Company truck driver to owner operator questions
OK, lurked on here for quite a while, learned a bunch, however... all o/o are not liars, lease /opping is something I've never considered, company driving is NOT for everyone and the whole industry is shaded in grey! Ran a very successful business for 26 years and finally burnt out, period. Not ready to retire so had the advantage (not luxury) to start with cash. Did the company driver thing for 2 months fully intending to gain some experience before buying my first. Couldn't take it, bought a cheap truck, got way too dirty making it right as possible(parts are reasonable, my time was free) bought a very serviceable trailer, found reasonable insurance and got my authority, done. 3 months in doing 2.06 ALL miles, maintainence account building and weaning off the spot market as I build contacts. Point is, it can be done, you will work twice as hard and personally I would not do it any other way. I understand most rookies should learn the industry but with business experience most things I have found to be similar (just different regs). Thanks, feel better now!
Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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Insurance Business Liability
Sorry, lost me in a previous thread with your not paying taxes. We have some horrible loopholes to allow this sort of C#$%!