Fort Worth, TX
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Experienced Driver
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Posted: 7 years ago
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Does anyone else prefer being on the road?
Enjoying what you do to make money is key to success, seems like your fitting in well being on the road. Home time seems to be stressful and boring after driving 12,000 miles or so for the month. Your brain & body starts getting use to moving and being busy making money.. once you get use to that making money idea....you get restless at home knowing your not working and making money... sitting around just waiting for the time to leave again plays on your mind while or at home. sometimes is better to stay on the road. pay your bills online and keep it rollin! At least your wife is with you to keep you company. Don't know if she drives or not.. but at least you can enjoy the country. Drive safe!
I've been with Prime since Sept in my own truck since the end of November. I picked up my wife before Christmas and have been out since. We went through my hometown last week and decided to take a 34 at the house. After sitting at the house (doing laundry and catching up with friends) we both decided we preferred being out on the road. Being at home was almost more stressful than being out on the road. Does anyone else feel this way?
Posted: 6 years, 12 months ago
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New Truck!
Sweet looking ride.. Very nice interior set up nice.. I pray you will be blessed and prosper with it. be safe