Profile For Curtis R.

Curtis R.'s Info

  • Location:
    Greenbelt, MD

  • Driving Status:
    Preparing For School

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  • Joined Us:
    10 years, 1 month ago

Curtis R.'s Bio

New to the forum, new to a career in Trucking

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Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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First three days of class with CRST @ NADTA

So since Friday morning I have been going to CDL class getting my learn and drive on. First day we did straight backing and I did good on that for the most part. Second day, we went out on the road, mind you I have never driven a manual a day in my life so I wasn't even ready but I didn't do bad at all. Instructor told me to just work on my double clutching and I'm good. Then we drove again, this time at night and I started getting the hang of it, still got some work though. Third day, today's class, 90-degree backing and off set backing. First try, good, could have been better but good enough. Second try, again, in the dark mind you, Out of the group I was in I was the only one that got it on my first try the second time around. In the space perfectly and without the instructors help. Even the instructor was hype lol. And yes it was fun. Can't even lie though, I was hyped up. Apparently I'm the competition now among the people I've gotten to know here lol. Lmao, they funny. Special s/o to my instructor Jay Stylez, look him up on YouTube, he gives good advice.

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Got the call, leaving this Saturday for CRST

I have been back and forth in my mind as to whether team trucking is really right for me. I have talked to two other companies and have given it some thought over this last week. I have made my decision and have chosen to go ahead and stick with CRST. Yes, I have heard a lot of slack and whatnot about the company but I will be going in with a positive attitude because I know what I am there for. Though man people have bashed the company and some have praised the company, I see it as, you perceive it as how you want it to be. You make it what you want it to be. Even if I get there and I do not like the aspect of team driving, I am going to tough it out. I am there to start my career in trucking and that is what I want to do. I am going to do the best I can while I am there and keep my head up even through the worst of days. Even if I don't like it, I am there to get my CDL, get the experience and start a new career that I have been wanting for years now. Who knows, I could get in and love every minute of it. I will do my best to keep everyone updated. Gonna go get mentally prepared for this long bus ride I have to take this weekend. Wish me luck fellow truckers

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Did more research, thinking of a change

Thinking about changing to a different school. Did some more research and I have found another school that I'd hope to hear from, Prime Inc. Nothing against CRST, I just realized that I don't think team trucking is for me. I also like that you will spend most of the time getting one-on-one training whilst in school and once your actual training begins. If there is anyone in the forum with any more information on the company or their school, shoot me a PM or reply to this thread, all info is welcome.



Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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New to forum; Going to CRST

Hey Curtis im in the same boat kinda..I went with CRST myself.and im in school now hoping to test for CDL next week..Where are you going to school they sent me to Jacksonville,FL.

Going to the main headquarters in Iowa as far as I know T-Rex 85

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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New to forum; Going to CRST

Hello all,

Name is Curtis. Have been reading this forum for a while and have been getting some good practice and insight into the career of trucking. A couple of days ago (last year lmao) I received a call from a recruiter at CRST and i accepted the invitation. I have been wanting to get into trucking for years, since I turned 20 (I'm 23 now). I have been frantically putting my information and application into many different companies that offer training and haven't gotten any calls or responses until then. I'm sure that has to do with the new year approaching. I believe that I am very ready for this career choice, I do have some doubts but I honestly think that those are things everyone deals with for any career. If there is any information or experience stories that they would like to share with me about the company or just the trucking career in general, please feel free to share them with me. I look forward to giving my experience of my goings ons in my starting life as a trucker. Thank you to whoever reads this and a Happy New Year.


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