Profile For SQ TierHog

SQ TierHog's Info

  • Location:
    Fresno, CA

  • Driving Status:
    Considering A Career

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  • Joined Us:
    10 years, 1 month ago

SQ TierHog's Bio

I've been considering becoming a truck driver for quite some time (as my brother puts 'drive truck', lol) and I stumbled on this website. So far, the few blogs I've read by some of you guys have been very interesting reads. I highly appreciate all the info and insight I've gained from you guys. The input I freely receive here, from all of you folks' trials, tribulations and efforts taken to document it all, will help me tremendously (not to mention, motivate me) in making my decision.

So, I suppose all anyone here needs to know about me is that, although I'm new here and don't even have a license (yet...?), that I'm all ears and eyes and appreciate what you all are puttin' down!

Safe drivin' to you all....

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Posted:  10 years ago

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I am to old to become a truck driver.

Hey, I'm 61 and starting training in a few days with Roadmaster. And it is because of TT giving me support to follow my dream! I feel excited and looking forward to the new adventure, like I was 20 again! Don't let age stop you from doing anything.

I'm recently retired, and have for many, many, many of those years wanted to drive. Now, that I'm free to do what I want, I was a bit nervous because of my almost 52 yr. age. Until I found TT. Now, I feel much more comfortable. It's all about that physical. I've already started to get on my 'eat better' program that's helped me lose weight many times. Thanks for posting that concern!

SQ TierHog

Posted:  10 years ago

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New guy wishing information on CA driving schools, as well as any other state.


Thank you! Will do that right now. :)

Posted:  10 years ago

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New guy wishing information on CA driving schools, as well as any other state.


Just got back from errand running in Fresno, CA. I didn't get to visit, didn't have time for that, but chatted on the phone with a gal from Major Express Trucking School, Fresno, CA. She explained the process they use and how quick they get you started training in a truck, etc.

David, I haven't called Bill yet, maybe today, definitely tomorrow. But, wow, what a nice website, ACI. Gonna look at that today, once I get my boys settled in (the after school pick up program, lol).

Scott...found Trucker Mike on Youtube, yeah, WigWag Productions. Thanks for the hook-up on him! Boy, from little bit of Youtube I saw regarding some Drivers posting some stuff they supposedly shouldn't have. Yikes. Not for me, I think I'll be the quiet one, listening and learning. :)

Drive safe everyone,

SQ TierHog

Posted:  10 years ago

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New guy wishing information on CA driving schools, as well as any other state.

By the way, I'll be watching Youtube from here on out. If you've got a favorite Youtube channel you watch that might suit me well, please let me know. I'm interested in anything that'll give me valuable insight out starting out (I don't even have my license...YET!). So, videos of schools, trucking '101', whatever. And, some of you folks gotta listen to podcasts, so, I'd be happy to have some suggestions come my way, so I can listen while I drive...a regular truck, that is. lol.

Okay, I gotta get out the door to Fresno.

Thanks to you all!

SQ TierHog

Posted:  10 years ago

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New guy wishing information on CA driving schools, as well as any other state.

Daniel, Scott, David...

Wow, thank you gentlemen...I didn't expect such quick replies!

Just after I posted my initial post, I went to the CA school link here on TT (I've visited that link prior to today, but this time I wrote all of the one's from Sacramento to Bakersfield (yeah, there are a lot near the L.A.-Fontana area), then I checked to see your replies, thanks guys!

Daniel..Thanks for that Link you posted, I'll be looking at it later today and I did notice Fontana area. I appreciate you letting me know that it's SoCal's spot, I'll keep that in mind.

Scott...Thanks for those links, I'm all over them! And, I downloaded the android app for CDL test questions Brett provided (thanks Brett!) and I will start the High Road Training as soon as I get home later today.

David...I totally appreciate the personal hook-up you gave me with Bill, I'll call him and tell him you recommended him...then fire some questions at him. I did see and write down Advanced Careers' info.

Thanks again guys!

I won't be able to post too often today, in a few minutes I'm off to Fresno on some personal errands. I'm gonna try and visit one of the schools there, If I get the time today.

Tons of appreciation and proud to be on this site,

SQ TierHog

Posted:  10 years ago

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New guy wishing information on CA driving schools, as well as any other state.

Hi all!

I'd like to start off by thanking Brett for starting this 'place', and also to everyone here who has posted, answered and shared. Thank you all!

Like the topic reads, I'm a new guy to every aspect of trucking and am new to this wonderfully thought out, information packed website. I'm beginning my search for a school and wish to begin that search here in my home state of CA. Since I'm new here, I have spent much of my recent personal time reading posts and the beginner advice topics, such as general info on schools, the types of schools (sponsored or independent), and I am in the process of studying the offerings (posted on this website) of the companies that offer schools, what they provide, etc. However, I'd like to start with CA specific stuff first, then if not satisfied, I'll be willing to go out of state to find that great school. As many have advised is of utmost importance if one is lookin' to 'drive truck'. That being written, if I've started a post that has been started elsewhere here, specific to what I'm posting about, please accept my apology and feel free to 'direct' me to that forum. :)

I feel that if I provide a little info on me, you folks might be able to give me a bit more of a tailored response. So...

I reside in CA, near the Fresno area. As I wrote, I'm willing to travel out of state to a great school if CA doesn't have a school that would be considered by you folks, to be top-notch instruction. While I don't have money to waste, I do have the funds to pay for my schooling. I don't have to suffice with some company's offerings, or sacrifice getting quality training because I'm in desperate need. I'm fortunate to not (at this moment!) be in that position. I have read here that there are some companies that will provide the school, however I must contractually promise that I'll drive for them for a specified amount of time, usually a year. Now, I'd love to save some cash like the next person, so I've got no problem with obligating myself to a company for a specified time to save me the tuition (I gotta drive for someone, right?). BUT, I'm not desperate to get a job (thank goodness) because I've recently retired and have a decent income and benefit package from that retirement. That being said, I can afford (time...and money-wise, if need be) to be choosy with who I train with and get employed by.

While I wish to hear replies from anyone who wants to share where they got their top-notch training (please share!), I'm hoping I'll get replies from you folks who've actually had experience (good or bad...especially bad!) with schools in CA, or at least you know or have known someone who had good things (or like I wrote, 'bad' experience, as well) regarding a CA school.

Can't think of anything else to share that would help you folks give me a tailored response....oh, yeah, one more thing I could add...As far as what type of driving....I'm open to OTR (I think that'd be a great starting experience for me) and any other type of driving and I'm willing to do physical work (helping dockers load, unload, whatever would get me in and out of their place!), however not so physical that part of my driving job is that it be demanded that I load and unload most everyday. I'll save that constant, daily activity for the younger folks (I'll be turning 52 soon). But, again, I am willing and definitely able, to get physical when my doing so would help get the job done. Hope that all makes sense. :)

Well, thanks in advance to any help you all provide me.

Most respectfully,

SQ TierHog

Posted:  10 years ago

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Old School Appreciation Thread


What a nice topic to start!

Being a new guy here who's never driven a big truck, I'd like to add my appreciation toward Brett (who started it all, I think) and to the rest of you who've taken the much valued time out of your day to post and reply so that everyone, regardless of their 'time in' (especially to us new-comers, of course), maybe benefit hugely from what you all have to say. Thank you! But, this is for Old School specifically, so...thank you sir!

May Mr. Old School's travels be safe and his personal life be filled with happiness...we all need that, most importantly.

SQ TierHog

Posted:  10 years ago

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Is my career over before it starts?

At 6'1"/230 - your BI is 30.3. Under the threshold that companies use - even though that BMI is considered to be on the "threshold of obesity".

BMI Categories: Underweight = <18.5 Normal weight = 18.5–24.9 Overweight = 25–29.9 Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

Trucking companies use from 34-39 to flag people for sleep studies. 130/80 BP is also well in specs for physicals and DOT medical cards.


Rick, Thank you Sir, for your reply. I appreciate you taking the time and sharing some stats! I have planned on losing 10 to 20 lbs or so, just to be healthier, plus the benefit of dropping the blood pressure, as well. Also, the BMI you mentioned would be a little less of a red flag too. Thank you!

SQ TierHog

Posted:  10 years ago

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Is my career over before it starts?

Rick, thanks for the insight! I'm 6 foot 1 inches, about 230 pounds. while my blood pressure is usually 130's/80's, my regular medical doctor has never recommended high blood pressure meds so I have never been on them. I don't know if my height and weight ratio would be a disqualifier, but these are things I am concerned about when it comes to the DOT physical, or a company physical for that matter. Again, thanks for taking the time to reply to this gentleman's post. I'll be searching this website for information on the physicals. G'LUCK Andre!

SQ TierHog

Posted:  10 years ago

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Forced Dispatch

I've taken every load without complaint, and have thanked my dispatcher quite a few times for particularly good loads. It paid off yesterday when the only shipper near my drop was a place that is universally hated by drivers. I was resigned to having to go there and mentally preparing myself to dragging three tarps to the top of a 13' load and tarping in 25 mph winds.

Instead of sending me there (40 miles away), he gave me a 220 mile deadhead for a 300 mile no tarp load. I thanked him with extra !!!!s for that!!!

Even with forced dispatch, your relationship with your dispatcher is everything. If you have a good relationship, your dispatcher will know what you really don't like to do and will help you out. I agree with Daniel that it doesn't really matter. What matters is how you handle yourself.

Bud...tremendous insight, thank you!

SQ TierHog

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