Profile For Soren L.

Soren L.'s Info

  • Location:
    Bakersfield, CA

  • Driving Status:
    Considering A Career

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  • Joined Us:
    10 years, 2 months ago

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Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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Driving with wife that has CDL, Should we team drive or solo?

Yea team drive doesn't sound good for the both of us. We want to experience the world together while we can before we settle down. Best case scenario we want a truck, both be able to drive it, and get as many trailers as we can. And its in my best interest to try and accomplish this goal.

I appreciate the info TxsGent But id also like to hear some others opinions and options on this matter.

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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Driving with wife that has CDL, Should we team drive or solo?

Okay thats a start, thank you TxsGent

Now she tells me she would definitely want to drive the truck, so what would be my best choice, for us both to be able to drive? Sounds like some major companies (based on your reply) would not allow her in the truck because of said CDL.

Ive heard some people buy their own trucks and act as a private delivery company, that(is what i think) would probably be our best bet to be able to both drive and experience the trucking lifestyle.

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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Driving with wife that has CDL, Should we team drive or solo?

I was hoping someone here might be able to give me some advice on trucking, and team driving(any advice you can tell me). Me and my current girlfriend(soon wife) are thinking about becoming truck drivers, both of us getting our CDL and hitting the road together. Now we are thinking about going homeless kind of living in the truck, making deliveries and seeing the world. So here are some questions if you want to answer them for me.

Should we buy our own truck and go from bid to bid on trailers, or should we apply for a big company, and team drive for them?

Its in her high interest that she wants us both to be driving, and also both be awake, so we are both on the same sleep schedule. So she can see the world with me and experience everything I do. I'm unsure on how this would work for team driving, since usually one is driving and the other sleeping.

Should I just apply to a company for a solo driver and see their rider policy, and on occasions she drive the rig, with her CDL?

if you have any other advice or things you want to tell me I'm all ears. We are both interested in this idea, but we are also new to it.

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