Profile For Robert B. (The Dragon) yes, I breathe fire and other sideshow tricks

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Robert B. (The Dragon) yes, I breathe fire and other sideshow tricks's Bio

Grain hauler at Foltz trucking

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Posted:  1 month ago

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Safety technology usage affecting safety performance

It depends on how it's implemented. On our trucks, it's only active if you're on the cruise control. I don't use cruise so it doesn't effect me at all.

Posted:  2 months, 1 week ago

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Help :New Trucker (female)

It does matter. Insurance companies run the trucking industry and the litigious society we live in forces trucking companies to stay on their toes. The way the regulations are currently structured, truck drivers and companies are always held responsible, regardless of the reality of that situation. Because of that, trucking companies look way back into your driving history and multiple incidents of irresponsible behavior do not weigh in your favor. As was mentioned, apply everywhere and see who might bite but it's getting tougher and tougher to get your foot in the door. As far as clearing your record, you'll need to hire an attorney and have those previous incidents expunged and wiped completely from your record. Otherwise, time is your only friend.

Good luck.

Posted:  2 months, 2 weeks ago

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Discretion is the better part of valor

29 from the Iowa / Missouri line to Kansas city looked like a junkyard with all the trucks and cars in the ditches. I ran through there yesterday on my way to Joplin for a delivery in a few hours and really don't understand why it happens. This winter event didn't sneak up on anyone, it was predicted for a few days out, yet drivers still want to risk it, rather than park and give the road crews the chance to do their job. It's every winter though so I can't say that I'm surprised.

Posted:  4 months, 1 week ago

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What NOT to eat. Nutrition on the road.

I'm not 100% carnivore and once a week or so I'll have a couple donuts. I don't eat bread except what my wife makes at home using very select ingredients and zero sugar. I do take part in the intermittent fasting every day and don't drink any soda or energy drinks or anything with fake sweeteners. I have a very simple exercise routine I do every morning to get woken up and enjoy the energy boost followed by my morning coffee and AG1 afterwards. My current state is that I'm down 25# to 215 which at 6'4" and a large frame makes me feel pretty good. My bp is 106 over 70 and resting heart rate is 48. For 53 years old, I feel great and have no intention of letting myself go as so many unfortunately do.

Posted:  5 months, 4 weeks ago

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Big Port Strike About To Begin

Get ready for a sh*show. The Teamsters were so bold as to tell Biden to stay the F out of it, not like he's gonna do anything anyway, he's out wandering a parking lot somewhere.

Posted:  7 months, 1 week ago

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Preparedness for November to January.


There's an army surplus store in Idaho falls, great website too, where you can get very good equipment for excellent prices.


Robert B.

Idaho Falls isn't too far from me and I will be going there in a couple weeks. I looked up on Google and there are two different Army Navy supply stores. Which is the one that you recommend?



It's the Army Surplus Warehouse. There's a truck stop across the street to park at and leave yourself a bit of time to roam around because it's like walking into a Walmart of military surplus supplies. They're very nice people who can answer questions and steer you in the direction of things you might be interested in regarding preparedness.

Posted:  7 months, 1 week ago

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Preparedness for November to January.

For the most simple setup, you're going to need water and the ability to purify water. You can survive on simple food or no food for quite a while but water is a must. Medical supplies, a way to stay dry, compass or stand alone GPS and other things are a definite must. You also have to put it on and get in hiking shape because when you're on your feet, it's all legs at that point. There's an army surplus store in Idaho falls, great website too, where you can get very good equipment for excellent prices. Pack, medical kits etc can all be found on there.

Posted:  7 months, 1 week ago

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Preparedness for November to January.


I always have provisions in the truck as well as a 72hr bag in case something did happen where I had to potentially be on foot for an extended period of time. There are other things to that I keep for my own personal safety.


Robert, I found your comment interesting. I am thinking a 72 hr bag is also known as a bug out bag.

What items do you have in the bag? That is, just the items that are not secret. I think I might get one together for me.

I keep a decent sized trauma kit with clotting compound, bandages and 5 tourniquets. There's spare clothes, socks, a camelbak water bladder with water treatment. Poncho with plenty of shock cord to make shelter if need be, silky saw, dehydrated foods and 3 days of MRE's, fire starting supplies (water proof), sleeping bag and a small cooking kit. I spend a lot of time in the woods and want the ability to get anywhere I might need to efficiently and safely.

Posted:  7 months, 1 week ago

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Preparedness for November to January.

I always have provisions in the truck as well as a 72hr bag in case something did happen where I had to potentially be on foot for an extended period of time. There are other things to that I keep for my own personal safety.

Posted:  7 months, 2 weeks ago

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Question about my steer tire

Sidewall damage on any tire is never good. It's definitely a no go on a steer tire, let alone a heavy haul open shoulder style like yours.

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