Profile For CT Trucker

CT Trucker 's Info

  • Location:
    Waterbury , CT

  • Driving Status:
    Rookie Solo Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    10 years, 2 months ago

CT Trucker 's Bio

I've had my class a for 3 years and was the best decision I've ever made !!!!! I would like to thank a lot of you for your help and knowledge from start to now couldn't do without you.

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Posted:  6 years, 11 months ago

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A. Duie Pyle Orientation

Sunday night checked into the hotel in West Chester Pennsylvania, orientation is for five days if your p&d driver or linehaul driver, 3 days for dedicated or non Hazmat. They pay you your hourly pay plus $17.50 for food per day and also pay for mileage and tolls which I believe is $0.54 per mile.

DAY 1 is going to be a 10-hour day so be ready. You watch videos about Duie Pyle learn about the culture of the business and their core values. Then went over benefit packages, followed by hours of safety videos. They provided lunch for day 1 which was very nice. Everyone is here at Pyle is very nice and polite, they definitely go the extra mile for their employees. Will let you guys know how day 2 goes tomorrow.

DAY 2 started about 8:15 went over Hazmat material some other training materials. Also went over how to use the omnitracs system and at the end of the day did Smith System training. 9 hour day Very basic training day will let you guys know how day 3 goes.

Day  3 /4/ 5 started about 8am watch more videos had a few Q&As. Then went out to the yard to look at all the new 2018 Volvos and freightliner trucks that they just purchased I must say they update their equipment and stay up-to-date on the technology. After lunch we went into detail on the handheld device and how to use the Qualcomm micros. Very easy day tomorrow is going to be all Hazmat training and Friday will be forklift training which we were told we should be out by 10 or 11 a.m. then shoot back to Connecticut for my hands on training on Monday.

I must say the Duie Pyle family has done a wonderful job during orientation very well organized and did the best they could to answer any questions we had, and everyone is so friendly and here to help,big time family atmosphere. I'm very excited to start my career with them. And I must say Tom Smith, Leo Flack, and Kellie did a great job during orientation and if you ever considered joining the Pyle family you'll be making the right decision.

Posted:  6 years, 11 months ago

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A Duie Pyle

Thanks guys for all the feed back. They seem like a great company from what I see, I recently talk to a few drivers and they love this place and a lot of old timers been there for 10+ years. I am heading to West Chester PA Monday for orientation so ill make sure I post the details so everyone has the info.

Its been a while since I have backed up a trailer 1 year 6 months to be accurate but just need some practice and ill be fine, during my driving test with them had to alley dock and got it in there in 2 shots hahaha. Need to practice my shifting going from a 8 speed back to a 10. I will keep you all up to date.

Posted:  6 years, 11 months ago

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A Duie Pyle

Good Evening everyone,

So took everyones advice and staying a company driver, recently had a interview with A. Duie Pyle seems like a very good company and very excited to get started. Would love any input on this company if anyone knows by word of mouth or worked here.

Now I have to make a tough decision to do P&D or Linehaul, did some reseach on both but wouldnt mind some feed back from the group.

Posted:  7 years, 1 month ago

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Backup trailer camera's

I didnt mean to start a war lol but you guys do make great points, maybe because im such a tech geek that's probably why I thought it was such a great idea. However I'm not sure if they were backing up or if they were for Blind spot cameras but either way you look at it you are correct it is a distraction. However in Europe they have camera mirrors which gives you more visual than a normal mirror and also saves on fuel economy, if I could find that article attached it.

Posted:  7 years, 1 month ago

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Backup trailer camera's

I understand your point cause you will get drivers who wont G.O.A.L ever again lol. How ever just think its a great saftey tool to have in your tool bag thats all.

Posted:  7 years, 1 month ago

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Backup trailer camera's

Good Morning TT,

Yesterday came across a driver who had 2 side trailer cameras and rear camera.I actually think its a really great idea for trucking for the safety aspect but curious why it hasnt boomed like the car industry has. What do you guys and gals think ?

Posted:  7 years, 2 months ago

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Owner operator

Hey Old school, wow that's a lot of good information that you just put down on me. And definitely made me open my eyes up and take a step back to see the bigger picture. You have to respect a man whos been there and done that and dont want to see the next man deal what he delt with.

I'm in CT now maybe a change down south with some different companies would be a ideal match taxes just keep sky rocking, they are going to be putting tolls in the state, charging more on fuel and taxing meat. So that might be the final straw lol.

Posted:  7 years, 2 months ago

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Owner operator

Wowwww, If That's accurate that's a huge nut.

One if the biggest hurdles I saw on another forum was insurance for the first year is between 12-15,000. That's a grand or better a month plus a tractor payment puts a person at 2500 a month in payables and that is before tires, fuel, oil changes, and break downs.

Posted:  7 years, 2 months ago

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Owner operator

Hey old school, I'm just confused with questions you wanted me to answer? Trust me I am very interested in doing the research it's a big investment so I would want to make sure to do research before making a plunge like that. The last thing I want to do is throw $50,000 down the toilet.

CT Trucker, I kept my remarks in the form of a question with the hopes of drawing you into a discussion. You didn't really ever even answer them, which usually indicates you're not that interested in a doing real research. It sounds to me like you've already got your mind made up and you were just hoping we would encourage you in your pursuit.

Posted:  7 years, 2 months ago

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Owner operator

Well thank all of you for your input

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