Hey Errol; how's the job going? I, too, am presently a 'Swifter' in week 4 of mentor driving. Kind of sucks in that I only get 7-8 hrs@ day as he is a leased owner/operator, dedicated run Salt Lake city to Las vegas is all he does. He's a really nice guy, good teacher, but I'm from WI and not interested in straight runs way out here. I do have somewhat of an advantage in that I pulled a 6 horse trailer w/ a 4500 all over u.s. for 10 years, so know the long hours, tedious waiting at times, and I can back most anything, anywhere. Other than that it is all different though. And I'm pushing 60 so no spring chicken, but always worked 10-12 hr. days pretty physical, so not too bad. Hope the road is being kind to you and you're still at it. Thanks for the Swift info, need all that I can get!
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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Swift Orientation, Memphis, TN
Hey Errol; how's the job going? I, too, am presently a 'Swifter' in week 4 of mentor driving. Kind of sucks in that I only get 7-8 hrs@ day as he is a leased owner/operator, dedicated run Salt Lake city to Las vegas is all he does. He's a really nice guy, good teacher, but I'm from WI and not interested in straight runs way out here. I do have somewhat of an advantage in that I pulled a 6 horse trailer w/ a 4500 all over u.s. for 10 years, so know the long hours, tedious waiting at times, and I can back most anything, anywhere. Other than that it is all different though. And I'm pushing 60 so no spring chicken, but always worked 10-12 hr. days pretty physical, so not too bad. Hope the road is being kind to you and you're still at it. Thanks for the Swift info, need all that I can get!