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Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Prime trucking: good or bad

Is prime good or bad huh? Totally a matter of opinion. I'm probably one of the most cynical people that post on TT and I'll give you my thoughts on Prime having been there for 7 months now.

First, the owner of Prime Rob Low has spent a huge amount of dollars to keep newer truck's on the road and loaded them with safety features. All state of the art stuff like anti roll prevention, lane departure system, collision avoidance system and maybe more I'm not thinking of. Every truck has an APU for climate control without having to run the engine and burn extra fuel. DC converters to run laptops, refrigerators, tv and others. Weigh rites to check your axle weights before you leave a shipper. The list goes on..

He is spending millions on keeping his terminals state of the art with every amenity a driver needs while at the terminal. Cafeteria, gym, showers, bunk rooms, theater, lounge, laundry facility, company store, spa with massage and hair salon. I'm referencing the Springfield terminal specifically but the upgrades are coming to the other two in the near future.

Are these things that make a company "good?" IMHO I say yes. A company is what you make it. I know I'm sounding like a Prime fanboi but again I can't deny the owner goes out of his way to keep drivers happy. (As much as a driver can.) Let's face it a large amount of drivers complain about a great many things.

You can research the company reviews and you're gonna find other drivers talk about how bad they got screwed. Nevermind they are reaping what they sow, it's always the companies fault for their misfortunes in many of those instances in their opinion.

To me the biggest downside is the speed at which they govern their truck's. 62 mph for company drivers but I get messages and reminders from my fleet manager if I run over 58 mph for too long. Others here don't get any grief for running against the governor. My FM's fleet is one of the lowest mpg fleets in the company so he harps alot on fuel mileage. It's to be expected and I understand where he comes from.

So coming from a glass half empty guy my TLDR is Prime IS a good company. Take from that what you will. Happy hunting!

Good to know! I'm out there looking for a company to work with.

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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PS Trucking - OTR Drivers in Oregon

Alright I'll apply, cant hurt right?

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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PS Trucking - OTR Drivers in Oregon

Hi everyone!

I'm new and wanted your opinion before I proceed to be an OTR driver. Have you worked as an OTR Driver? [name removed by Brett Aquila] is hiring OTR Truck Drivers for Eugene/Bend/Portland area. There's a signing bonus and full benefits, also says you will have home time every two weeks and can travel with a pet.

How does that deal sound? Here's the link so you guys can see it too:

[link removed by Brett Aquila - dubious at best]

Thanks for your thoughts,

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