mount pocono, PA
Driving Status:
Preparing For School
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Starting SWIFT academy in Richmond, Va. Next month
Posted: 10 years ago
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Can't find it on here forgot who posted had pics
Posted: 10 years ago
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I start their training academy next month in Richmond, VA. A NY suggestions or anyone been through there?
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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Just want to say please be careful
Anyone driving through extreme northwest or northeast in next 36-48 hours please be careful looks like another Sunday through Monday storm of large proportions. Just want everyone to know I may not be on the road yet but my family and I think about everyone of you and your safety.
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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How Do You Get Loaded Or Unloaded Early?
I agree with Woody I was a dock receiver for diapers.com up here and I can agree with what he says. I know I got points for the amount of merchandise I received per hour so I would try to fit drivers in as long as they were being polite about it or stay a lil late to finish unloading if they were close to end of my shift but were very early on delivery.again All warehouse and receivers are different but politeness and manners go a long way between "sure buddy I can squeeze you in" and "sorry bud schedule is full you have to come back at your scheduled time."
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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Question about keeping entertained on road?
Do most trucks have CD players? Satellite radio? Is listening to music while driving a good/bad idea?do most trucks have wifi or to I need hot spot? What luxuries? Like fridge/cooler,TV/DVD player?,microwave? How hard is it to use cpap machine in truck for those with aspnea? Etc
My truck has a satellite radio built in but I am responsible to pay for it. Invaluable must have. It has a mount for a flat screen TV but I bought the TV/DVD combo unit that I put in, but i find i dont use it as much as i thought i would. I also had to add the refrig and microwave. These will save you a lot of money over eating in restaurants and are must haves. Our new company trucks have them built in.
Without a doubt I get the most pleasure from audio books. I buy them with my points from the various truck stops but the library in my hometown has a great program where you can download audio books online for a month. Saves lots of money.
One thing...audio books require some level of focus so I never listen to them driving through cities, construction or in poor road conditions. Watercolors jazz channel on Sirius radio is great then.
thank you Brett and Tracy just thinking of budget for down the road don't want to leave family in a bind if I spend too much too soon but now can look into these items a lil at a time until finished schooling and solo driving
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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I plan on moving to Flat. By Jan so I would love to read a blog about Fla or any other state for info on rough traffic areas etc.
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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Ok last question for a few days
Thanks Steve, up here in north east PS. Our Walmart don't mimf so oi get some small talk from drivers
Posted: 10 years ago
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Pre trip inspection
Thank you