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Posted: 9 years, 5 months ago
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When im idling My volvo 670 with d13 engine It will idling fine (600 rpm) then all of sudden rev up to about 1100. If I tap the clutch or release the parking brake it will stop and go back to normal until i take foot off clutch or set brake again then it goes back to 1100. Anyone got an idea?
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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When I first started I was a nervous wreck. And now after a year I look back and feel kind of silly for it. So yes being nervous is normal but I wouldn't over do it. You won't be put in a situation you can't handle while you're in school or with a trainer. I'm more worried about the people who aren't nervous, the know it alls
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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If it makes u feel better I'm in oregon and it's in the upper 60s. Don't mean to rub it in. I was in Laredo a few weeks ago and it Sucked bad.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Thanks for the answers. Kind of surprises me that on such a serious issue there wouldn't be a more cut and dry answer. I've been out for a few months now and doing a restart and just wondering, but better safe than sorry I guess.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Is is against federal law to have an open alcoholic drink in the sleeper while off duty?
I am not asking for opinions. I know it's a bad idea.
I'm not asking for company policy. My company has zero tolerance for it.
I'm not asking for bac levels while on duty; I'm not even asking for bac levels. I know all the levels.
I just want to know is the act of having an open beer in the sleeper illegal. I can't find a clear answer online or in the FMCSR
Posted: 4 years, 2 months ago
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Reminder why you don't park on the shoulder
Yeah this is something that is very frustrating to me. I understand there are more trucks than parking spots, but it's definitely a bad idea. I dont think I could sleep like that. I'd be a nervous wreck. Another thing I hate is when trucks park on the shoulder IN the rest area adjacent to the parking spots, so when trucks leave a spot, other trucks can't get in that spot because some idiot is parked behind the spot longways.