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Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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Need advice. Start with a new company or just stay put!
Just looking for advice should I go or stay. Have over 12 yrs driving. Company I'm with is decent and been here 6 yrs. don't have 401k and I didn't take their insurance because it is the worst ever and they do not even pay for the employees it's like $30/week just for a employee and if u add family on its crazy expensive. But the paychecks are good. And I'm home every weekend Now I have a chance to goto another company doing refers no forced dispatch no driver unloads. New kenworth tractor new trailers. Great insurance company pays on the driver. Bonus's 401k. Vacation and its a employee owned so after one year I would start receiving stock. Passenger and pet friendly. Now the down side. I would have to stay out 7-10 days. And I would have to drive 2 hours each way on home time. Forgot to mention the pay to start I figure would be approx 200 per month less than what I make now. Just not sure I'm very comfortable where I am and I hate change especially at 43 years of age Just trying to get the bigger better deal so I may have a slight chance of some sort if retirement for my wife and I. Let me hear some opinions everyone. Stay safe out there
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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DOT has put the company I drive for on High Alert
Got a great fleet message on friday. The owner of the company I drive for sent a fleet message out that the DOT has just put the company on high alert. Been driving for over 12 years and I do know what this means. And Im not really sure to do about it. I personally have a clean CSA and a clean driving record with no accidents,so my reaction is quit and take off running. I do not want to stick around and risk getting points because of the companies lack of ability to run their company properly and maintain their equipment and not push the drivers. I try to keep my things in order to satisfy the DOT. But as everyone knows that has been driving for any amount of time if the DOT want to find something to write you up for they will. The way I understand it at this time my company can only have a couple more violations and they will be told to stop operating. Of course when I questioned what is going on it is a secret. Not sure what to do but as far as I know now I plan on quitting while I can. Anyone had this happen to them? Any advise? I just dont want to deal with the extreme harrassment by the DOT. I am a good driver and I do not feel I should put up with this kind of crap.