Profile For Eric P.

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Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Cdl training with misdemeanor charge.

If you've DISCLOSED and they send you to orientation - then you are pretty much in the clear I would think.

No reason to bounce you out - for something they were already made aware of on your application.


I made it very clear to all of them. I have just been researching that some very all the way through orientation then get sent home. Prime does the orientation before the actual school I believe. Is there a company you would recommend over the others? Prime vs CR England vs Pam?

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Looking for training with a record

Hi everyone! First off I wanted to thank you for all the valuable information that you all contribute to this site. It has been a huge help in looking into becoming a driver.

So to get straight to the point I have recently decided I want to get into OTR trucking. I am trying to figure out if I should get my own training or go with a company training program. With that being said I also have recently obtained an assault 4 charge misdemeanor.

Long story short I was in the midst of a custody battle over my son and this was a way for my x to gain the upper hand. All that this entailed and all I went through to fight the charges would be enough to write a book. Anyway I was facing several domestic violence charges which all are felonies in Oregon. There was lack of evidence on both sides including zero evidence of any assault taking place. Not even a scratch. But also no evidence to support it didnt happen. So to get to the point, taking a case like this to trial when it comes down to he said she said and facing felonies was pretty damn risky and I ended up taking a plea offer which dropped all domestic violence language which was a big one for me because I would have lost my guns. Anyway, all said and done the final charge was a simple assualt 4 charge which is a misdemeanor. I was arrested almost two years ago but just finally settled the case in November which makes the charge very recent. So my main question is, do any of you think I have a chance getting on with any of the companies that train like Swift? I have talked to CR England and that was a no go. They have to have two years at a minimum since the charge. I actually did here back from Swift today and the recruiter said she can normally ok misdemeanor's but because mine was so recent she had to send my app off to the security division to get approval.

Has anyone else gone through a similar situation trying to get on with Swift? Any companies I should try that are workable with this? Ive gone through the list here on the site and have seen the requirements of the companies and I have submitted apps to most of them. Misdemeanor's for the most part, depending on the charge dont seem to be a big deal, but with mine so recent it seems to be.

Anyway, any personal experiences with this or any advice would be greatly appreciated. I am really wanting to pursue this career. Thanks in advance!

I was charged but not convicted of a misdemeanor for passing a worthless check. I recently spoke with CR England, Prime, Pam, and Stevens. All but Stevens accepted me into school. Still deciding who to chose and if I will be hired after training. Best thing to do is to be honest with the recruiters. And call around. Knowledge is power.

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Cdl training with misdemeanor charge.

I have been wanting to get into trucking for a while. In June of 2013 I was charged with a misdemeanor for passing a worthless check. Background shows adjudication withheld(no conviction) other than that my record is good. I have been accepted to prime trucking, CR England, and Pam for the cdl training. I've told all the recruiters about this charge. What are my chances of being hired and not being sent home during training and/or orientation?

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