lynchburg, VA
Driving Status:
Preparing For School
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Example of a really annoying week.
Dude rock on. I bet that must have sucked but I bet your FM loves you!
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Do I need my medical card first?
And to correct myself - before someone else gets around to it (I was in my car when I made the previous post) - the term isn't EXEMPT, but EXCEPTED.
DON'T TEXT AND DRIVE! Except when you are EXEMPTED!
Hahahaha I second that!
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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OMG So Conflicted but Flattered (training )
George suggests:
Have you ever heard of the see one do one teach one.
While training you will be asked questions you may have never though of. You will have to evaluate and finely examine the proper ways of doing things. Its a win win if you approach it the right way.
Im a novice in the trucking world but in the communications world I have employed this technique to great success many times. If you are comfortable with the idea amd can work with many personalities I say go for it!
Good luck and have fun!
George this is completely different. A mentor or trainer is putting their life and possibly future career in the hands of a novice driver for weeks. Unless one is compelled and highly motivated to road train another driver, not something that should be agreed to under the slightest bit of duress.
Yes there are risks.
There are risks everytime you pull out onto that road. It ia my wish that someone who is competant and dedicated to their proffession as a true professional be guiding new drivers to success and not some jackwad whos just in it for the money.
I say only go for it if it is something the OP is COMFORTABLE with. If not its not like the OPs company would be unlikely to provide the OP the opportunity down the road had they a change of heart.
I may know nothing about the OPs capabilities but from what they stated I believe they are mindful and cautios in their approach to driving. A mentality that should be instilled in all professional drivers.
I believe the cold hard truth is try those the companies do to put competant, integral drivers behind the wheel of these massive machines, their screening process can only do but so much. The last line of defense, and possibly the most important, will be the field trainers.
One of the main reasons I looked for a decent site where I could receive valuable feedback from what I hope are outstanding safety concious drivers is to provide myself with a vital resource that I may bring questions and concerns that may imlact my safety and performance. The trucking industry is MASSIVE. I dare imagine you can spend an entire career in it and still learn something every day. That is intimidating.
G-town your response as always is informative and helpful. My posts did not mention the potential risks of harm wether to the poster themselves or their career. A good addage I believe.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Remakenthis thrwad in the general categories section. You will get more attention and help over there. Good luck! Have you been using the high road training program on this site?
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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OMG So Conflicted but Flattered (training )
Have you ever heard of the see one do one teach one.
While training you will be asked questions you may have never though of. You will have to evaluate and finely examine the proper ways of doing things. Its a win win if you approach it the right way.
Im a novice in the trucking world but in the communications world I have employed this technique to great success many times. If you are comfortable with the idea amd can work with many personalities I say go for it!
Good luck and have fun!
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Good choice Patrick. I started the process with Prime last year and then my recruiter kinda fell off the face of the earth. Work got busy and lost touch with the company. This go around I sent out apps to all the majors I could and Roehl just happened to click with me. They paid for physical, given the option though I would probably go with Prime. If only they had contacted me. Im happy with things the way they are going now though. Good luck.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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What is the best practice for getting the most out of your HOS?
First off thank you everyone for the very informative replies.
Secondly the 11/14/70 is straight forward enough.
Thirdly..please tell me more about this sleeper birth vuduu...does it require a virgin sacrifice?
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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It's pretty eye opening ain't it? I never really though I would have an issue with high blood pressure but lo and behold it wasn't were I wanted it to be.
Which company are you looking at?
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Example of a really annoying week.
Hahahahaha thats too good!