I had planned to drop a line every day. I found out that's not possible.
Tuesday was more paperwork. Wednesday was all different. Out to the range and trucks.
Roll call is 6am. Generally we practice skills all day (two breaks + an hour lunch)
It's not on the list of things to bring, but bring a 6" ruler/straight edge to fill in the driver logs.
You're outside, so dress for the weather. This is December, so lots of heavy jackets, wool caps & gloves.
I'm local so I don't stay at the hotel. But from what I've heard, the kitchens have _some_ eating utensils, but you might bring some. There's a Kroger close by. 4 students to a 2br 4 bed suite.
The schedule is 7 days a week, the holidays you get off mean extra hours so you get the legal training time in.
Hi! Thanks for spending time and effort in writing these great entries! Its interesting to read about your progression through the program. I know you said you are local to Memphis. Was their a deduction to what you owe and will pay back the next 13 months since you didnt stay in the hotel?
Posted: 10 years ago
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Swift Academy, Memphis, TN
Hi! Thanks for spending time and effort in writing these great entries! Its interesting to read about your progression through the program. I know you said you are local to Memphis. Was their a deduction to what you owe and will pay back the next 13 months since you didnt stay in the hotel?