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Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Too many Preventable Accidents

I worked the Dollar Tree account with US Xpress for about a year. No question that's a brutal job. The unloading is brutal in itself. But the multiple-stop loads to these tiny stores in tight little plazas is extremely difficult also.

But I have to agree with Old School. You're not snake bit and it's not the account that's giving you trouble. Your problems are because you're rushing things and/or you're making assumptions. Never rush when you're in tight areas. You have to relax and take your time. And never assume that you're going to clear something or that there's nothing behind you when you're backing. Get out and look as often as you have to in order to be 100% sure you're not going to run into anything.

Think about this......if you were only able to move forward or backward at a rate of one foot per minute, do you think you would ever hit anything? Probably not. You'd have all the time in the world to see what's around you. Heck, at that rate you could get out and look at what's behind you without even stopping the truck. You could just let it roll, jump out and look, and jump back in. You'd have all the time you need.

So just slow down, relax, and take all the time you need. If people have to wait for you, so be it. You've spent just as much time as anyone else waiting on others to get home from work, cross the street, cash out at the grocery store, or buy lottery tickets. If they have to wait for you to get backed into a tricky spot or maneuver around a tight parking lot then so be it. Too bad for them if it upsets them. They've made people wait for things in the past and they'll do it again in the future. That's life. We all do it. So just take all the time you need to do the job safely. That's all that matters.

Thank you for your responses. I agree that the blame primarily belongs to me and I have learned from it. I was not patient enough and I did let the stress of the situation get the better of me. I will stay with Werner if they retain me and I would not blame them if they let me go. If they do let me go, I just would like to know if I have any options.

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Too many Preventable Accidents

I got my CDL in March and went to work for Werner on the Dollar General Account. To make a long story short I have had 3 preventable accidents in the last 3 months. I believe i am going to be fired by Werner after this last one. I know it sounds like I shouldn't be a driver but I do feel i have been snake bit. As a rookie driver I should not have started on the Dollar General Account with small and active parking lots. None of the accidents were involved another vehicle and they were minor nevertheless they are recorded as preventable against me. I would like to know if I will have a chance to find another driving position with my record. This has been a very humbling experience.

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Driving Record

I graduated from Truck Driving Scbool in March and went to work on the Dollar General Account with Werner Enterprises. I has a couple of minor accidents involving backing in the Dollar General locations, Hit a yellow post with the front fender and damaged a trailer by hitting a guide wire. I am on propation with Werner and I am sure one more incident and i'm a goner. I got off the DG account and I am now a shag driver. Moving trailers around as much as I do, I am afraid anything can happen. If I get fired by Werner, will I have a difficult time getting someone to hire me? I don't think any of these count againse my CSA score because it all happened on private property. Would I be better off moving on to a new company before something else happens with Werner and try to get a fresh start? If a minor incedent were to happen would i be better off resigning before they fire me? I don't think I am really a bad driver. The DG account is too much for rookies. Some guidance would be appreciated 't

Posted:  10 years ago

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Official Driving Record

If I get the official driving record from thr Kentucky Division of Licensing is it the same record trucking companies will get when they do their background check on me? I got a speeding ticket in Tennessee a couple of years ago but it does'nt show on my official record. In searching the internet it appears that Tennesse is one of the 5 or so States that does'nt share some information with other States. I am not trying to hide anything and this is the only blemish onmy record but I can't even remember how much over the limit it was written for.

Posted:  10 years ago

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Traffic Violations

I got an out of state speeding ticket a couple of years ago. It was in a small town in Tennesse and I can't remembert where or for how much over the speed limit. I ran a DMV in my home state of Kentucky and there is no record of it. My driving school is telling me trucking companies use a different system and they will find a record of it. Can anyone tell me how I can find a record of it. I want and need to accurately fill out my employment applications and this is the only ticket I have had in the last 5 years.

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Can I pass a drug test with a prescription

Thank you for your detailed response. I appreciate your suspicion because I would think the same but I really only took one about three weeks ago. I would have taken more but it did dawn on me the next day that I may have made a mistake and I guess I did. Nevertheless, I don't want to take a chance and fail the pre-eemployment screening because I don't want to have to claim that on other employment applications. I'll explore other options.

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