Keeseville, NY
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
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Brett Aquila On The Web
Hey Everyone! I'm the owner and founder of TruckingTruth and a 15 year trucking veteran.
Posted: 5 days, 14 hours ago
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I just found out about this yesterday myself. How sad! Anne was really something. She helped out quite a bit behind the scenes here and loved being part of the community.
Posted: 1 week ago
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What direction should I take to start out making $1000+ a week fresh out of CDL training?
Welcome, Matt!
I have a clean driving record with no criminal history. Is it reasonable to make $1000+ a week starting out?
Absolutely! If you hustle and give it your all, you should make at least $50,000 - $60,000 your first year in trucking, and that may even be a bit conservative. Some do better than that.
I would recommend Paid CDL Training Programs instead of private schooling. Check out that link and also:
I can't make any more career mistakes at this point in my life
Yes you can, you're still a kid! I'm 53 and I'm always trying to start a new business or career. I'm constantly learning new things and trying to find better opportunities. Don't put unnecessary pressure on yourself. I'm a quarter century older than you and I have another quarter century of good years left in me.
I think trucking might be just the right thing for you at this stage. It's certainly worth a shot, and you can always walk away anytime.
Posted: 2 weeks, 2 days ago
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Hey David,
That's a tough spot you're in. That speeding ticket is about 1/2 degree short of murder in this industry, and I'm sure you know that already. Unfortunately, I don't think buying your own truck would help because getting insurance would be a nightmare. You could almost certainly find someone to lease a truck to you, but I'm not a fan of leasing or owning a truck. The economics of it are terrible.
But if you're in a tough spot, sometimes you have to make due until you can get back to where you want to be.
In most states, that ticket will be an issue for three years. I believe tickets drop off after that.
All you can really do is apply like crazy everywhere imaginable and see what happens. If you can't find a company gig, I would look for a lease opportunity before buying a truck. You won't make as much money as a company driver in either regard, but I think it's easier walking away from a lease than a truck you own outright. Plus, I believe the company leasing you a truck can help you out with regard to insurance, which is key in your situation.
Maybe PJ will come around. He owns his truck and will have far more insights into the leasing vs buying thing.
Where there's a will there's a way. You'll get another shot. It might be a grind trying to get one, but you will.
Posted: 2 weeks, 3 days ago
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Made a embarrassing rookie mistake
"We" refers to me and God (not the multiple personality disorder my wife accuses me of!)
It's funny, but anyone who spends an enormous amount of time alone (myself included) always says "we" when referring to themselves. When I first started driving, I noticed that everyone said things like, "We're heading to...." or "We have four hours to go."
I've always done it, and I still do.
In fact, I also walk around talking as if there's someone in the room with me. I'm constantly explaining myself to this imaginary person. The other day, I read that we organize our own thoughts by explaining them. It helps us sort through our thought processes to make sure we have a grasp on things. I like that explanation better than, "he's obviously insane" so I'm going with it!
Posted: 3 weeks ago
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Made a embarrassing rookie mistake
Yeah, I've left the lines connected as well, and then there's the double 'thunk thunk' against the back of the cab as the lines snap free. It's embarrassing.
I always pulled out slowly and kept the frame under the trailer until it was stable. There were times when I didn't have the legs down as far as I should have, or the ground was softer than it looked, and I was still in a position to fix it.
Posted: 3 weeks, 6 days ago
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Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!
We got our first snow of the year. It wasn't much, but it looks great. It's more festive with snow.
Posted: 1 month ago
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I just updated that one reply. Now, all of your posts show Ditch Lights as the author. That one just slipped through the cracks somehow.
Posted: 1 month ago
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I'm sorry, but I'm a bit confused about what you're asking. I see you changed your display name and avatar, but I'm not sure what else you'd like to change.
Posted: 1 month ago
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TruckingTruth's only Railroader
I'm definitely glad I got my CDL and did give it a shot, I love sightseeing and that was probably the biggest draw for me but the position from the RR is kind of too good to pass up.
Hey, I love to hear that. Finding the right career is a life-long quest, and that career choice may change over time.
I drove for 15 years, and during that time, trucking was exactly where I wanted to be. After a while, I realized I had experienced about everything that life on the road had to offer, and it was time to go in a new direction, seeking new experiences.
Trucking will always be there if you ever decide to return, but right now you know from experience that the railroad is where you belong, and I'll bet that's a great feeling. I think most people wonder if they're on the right path in life, but many are afraid of giving up their position to try something new.
I'm glad you gave trucking a shot and I'm sure you're gonna be very happy with the railroad.
Posted: 1 day, 11 hours ago
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Merry Christmas to all!
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Let us know if you made it home for Xmas and what your plans are!
If you're on the road, God bless you and I hope you find a way to make the most of it!