Phoenix , AZ
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Rookie Solo Driver
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 3 years, 11 months ago
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No 90 degree alley dock in school at AZ? Knight Transportation
Yeah I think it’s an Arizona thing. I’m a resident here and all we were tested on was straight line, parallel and offset. No 90 degree.
Posted: 3 years, 11 months ago
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Newbie Trucker Dad Giving Advice - and Stories
Because you’ve taken every opportunity in this post to tell us about all YOUR accomplishments when none of it has anything to do with your sons issues on the road. And yeah I’m a little skeptical on wether or not you’re a troll. Your son doesn’t like forums or social media? That’s fine, it’s not all politics and ugliness there’s plenty of valuable information on the internet that can be utilized. He’s doing himself a disservice by avoiding sites like this that can encourage and help. My grandpa hates the internet too, he also told me never to eat yellow snow.
Posted: 3 years, 11 months ago
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Serious question on OTR trainers ....
I personally lucked out with my swift trainer, he was a great guy, fun to be around and always patient even when we were team driving and I had to wake him up for help when I panicked over a botched docking attempt lol. Some of my classmates were assigned trainers who lived in another states but mine literally only lived a few miles away from me so home time was super convenient for both of us. I tested out to go solo in Memphis and I spoke with some other drivers who just went solo and they all had good experiences. It’s awkward at first but take full advantage of having them there, if they don’t wanna put in the work ask for a new trainer. Nobody is gonna save us once we go solo so we need to be equipped with as many tools in our mental skill set to succeed as safely and efficiently as possible.
Posted: 3 years, 11 months ago
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Newbie Trucker Dad Giving Advice - and Stories
I’m getting strong “Todd” vibes from this one with all this rambling and boasting....
Posted: 3 years, 11 months ago
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Narcissism really has no place in trucking. Humility, patience and a strong work ethic goes a long way in being a top performer. Any good experiences yet? All we hear about are the negatives. Keep your cdl, put in some work ( yes, actual work, not just showing up ) and maybe you’ll thrive. Kinda sad and pathetic watching a grown man grovel so much. If my previous employer told me I was so bad at my job that it’d be better if we parted ways would motivate the hell out of me. Doesn’t seem like it had much of an effect on you. Sounds like you have some underlying issues you need to work on.
Posted: 4 years ago
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Zach, I’m rooting for you, as we all are, but I can’t help but be skeptical of your intentions and what you actually want. Do you actually like making decisions or just dragging ass and dwelling in your own pity? Trucking is an exciting and lucrative career for those of us who actually put in the work, time and patience. Be patient man, one day at a time and one lesson at a time. It’s ok to make a mistake every day, we just can’t make the same ones every day. If your heart is truly in trucking, then quit trying to find the bad in every situation and realize that all these incidents are now chalked up as experiences that can make you a better performing driver. Not every person or company is good for us but that’s ok, it doesn’t always matter, just gotta suck it up until you get to where you wanna be. Good luck man, hope to hear more from ya!
Posted: 4 years, 6 months ago
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You’ll be driving on city streets and highways where the general public displays their lowest form of courtesy and common sense towards truck drivers. Even the most well tempered truck drivers get pushed past their limits on a daily basis by other drivers, security guards, shipping/receiving clerks and dispatchers. But to answer your question, a night shift position would probably suit you best once you get your experience and have options to choose from.
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Wait, so if a different recruiter decides to give you the green light, you may not even accept the offer? What was all this rambling for, to teach Swift a lesson? Lol wow man, it never amazes me how many arrogant newbies come in here thinking these major carriers are gonna just conform and bow down to inexperienced drivers on how business should be handled. But you, a guy who can’t even recollect how many dui’s he’s had is gonna save an entire future generation of drivers from being held accountable from their mistakes. At this point you’re just harassing them and showing them that you don’t have the temperament to handle a rig. If a simple “ mistake “ that YOU made irks you this much, I can only imagine how desperate you’d get to retaliate against a guy in a car the cuts you off. You don’t need to prove to the swift recruiter that you’re a good guy that made an honest mistake, they don’t care. Nothing’s stopping you from making a fresh start and another chance with another company. Quit your complaining and go make some damn money.
Posted: 4 years, 7 months ago
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Lol I can assure you I’m able to read and comprehend the English language just fine. I don’t have an issue with you not wanting to work for Swift, I was just giving you my perspective hoping you’d let it resonate with you to help make a more well rounded outlook since you seem to value peoples opinions. At the end of the day, all these companies are going to expect the same thing out of you, regardless of what their little nuances are. They’re also going to run their “day-to-day” in a similar way.
The current company I work for gets bashed left and right on online employee reviews. It means nothing to me because we get treated extremely well. I’ve seen guys who are lazy and have bad attitudes put in their two weeks notice and get told “thanks but no thanks, go ahead and walk now” while I was given a meeting with our regional manager to discuss opportunities to solve problems and was given an extra couple dollars an hour. The point is bad employees have bad experience and good employees have good experiences. Sure, that’s not the case everywhere but in a performance based industry like this, it applies in a lot of places. I gave you some good advice on this post and my last post and even told you I’m rooting for you but you chose to ignore it. Which is fine, you’ll get humbled pretty quick and figure it out on your own.
Posted: 3 years, 11 months ago
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No 90 degree alley dock in school at AZ? Knight Transportation
Yeah the state of Arizona doesn’t require it as part of the test but knight will probably have you do it once you finish up with your trainer. I know at swift I had to do one in order to pass my test to go solo. Is knight training at their yard or are they doing it on swifts property since they merged? The swift training course was a licensed third party testing facility so it was super helpful to be tested on the property we trained on.