Profile For Kevin H.

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Posted:  9 years, 11 months ago

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Marijuana Time out

Hi all! Been reading the posts and cruising this site, and I really appreciate everyone's input. I have a question I'm hoping you can help me with. Maybe my story sounds familiar.

Five years ago this month, I was caught in a police checkpoint and arrested for a DUI-Marijuana. This is no excuse, but I want to mention the circumstances because I meet a lot of guys going through the same thing. I had lost my carpentry business of 6 years, lost our two houses, declared bankruptcy, then got divorced, all happening within 18 months. And, during that time my dad had a stroke and I took care of him for two weeks, then my brother almost died from misdiagnosed malaria, had to nurse him back to health for a few weeks out of country. Each time I lost my security guard job, or got pushed back into low seniority positions. With all that going on, plus my failing marriage, along with living with my mother because we were broke, I made some decisions I regret. It seemed I deserved something for all the pain. I was wrong. Weed just made my eyes close a little more at a time when they needed to be fully open. And, I drove slower and dreamed a lot about pop tarts.

There was no license suspension or any driving privileges taken away. I just ended up plea bargaining for a lesser charge that equaled a failed equipment charge, and paid the $100 fine. Now, I'm motivated to become a truck driver for my career, and the companies I've applied to want 10 years time between the charge and getting the job. This is not the same as having a DUI, because that's just 3-5 years, but it's the Marijuana charge that is hurting me. This really makes me sad. I made some bad calls back then, and this ghost is still haunting me. Feels harsh. I've long since cleaned up my act. Is there any options for getting into trucking? I keep hearing about companies having a very difficult time hiring and keeping drivers, but hear I am wanting to take this job! And I'll be damn good at it!

I know life isn't fair. Already had a bunch of that, and somehow the good Lord has given me a grateful heart and kept me from getting bitter. It's a miracle. Losing everything that ever meant something to me was a horrible blessing. I thought "who I was" was defined by my successful business in Maui, Hawaii, sexy wife, my two homes, portfolio, and alllllllllll those friends who pledge their faithfulness. After everything was gone (EVERYTHING), I was still alive. So, I figure, I'm not dead, so I have to be someone. Working in the trucking industry is a part of how I want to REdefine myself. Along with keeping away from collecting a lot of stuff, again.

If anyone can advise me as to getting a truck driving job with a marijuana charge that's 5 years old, I will be very appreciative. Thanks. Kevin

Posted:  10 years ago

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DUI and finding a truck driving job?

Hello all,

I'm very interested in getting a CDL, but in 2009 I got a DUI for marijuana. Will that be a problem getting a job with most, any trucking companies? I'm afraid this ghost of my past mistakes is going to haunt me for a while.


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