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Posted:  4 years, 4 months ago

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Proper fitness and nutrition on the road: how do you go about it?

Hey Chris.

I train under a professional coach full time for alpine climbing and have been for about 2 1/2 years. I've always been an athlete.

Over the years I did some research on nutrition and one time decided I had better look into this vegetarian thing, as much as I'd rather not. It turns out what I discovered was the polar opposite - the carnivore diet - which means eating animal products only like meat, eggs, and dairy.

Back in the day, they used to say that carbs fueled us, red meat and fat killed us. They could not have been more wrong about red meat and fat. We desperately need both and plenty of it.

A couple of years ago I switched to a mostly carnivore diet, cut out almost all carbs, and never looked back. I've never been more fit, lean, or energetic in my life, and I just turned 49.

It takes about a month to switch over to a carnivore diet and get off carbs. If you cut the carbs out too quickly, your energy will crash and you won't be able to get your head off the pillow. You must let your body slowly evolve away from burning carbs and over to burning fat.

I know it sounds insane to say, "Eat a ton of red meat and no vegetables" because we were told the opposite for decades. But I've done it for quite some time and it was Dr. Shawn Baker that turned me onto it:

Dr Shawn Baker - Carnivore Diet

Get off the carbs and a long list of problems will disappear: hunger cravings, volatile blood-sugar levels, bloating, volatile energy levels, allergies, weight gain, mood swings, and more.

If I sway from my routine and start packing in carbs for a few days I come unglued. I feel bloated, my energy levels spike and drop, and I get food cravings like mad. Once I get back to my carnivore diet I feel utterly fantastic.

As far as exercise, I used to carry a couple of dumbbells with me and I went running a lot. At the time I had never heard of those exercise bands, but that's what I would use today instead of dumbbells. I also do a lot of yoga, which I believe is critically important for our health.

Slowly get away from carbs and focus on eggs, meat, and dairy and after a few weeks, you'll feel better than you ever have. Some people like the Paleo diet, which I believe is low carb but has veggies. That would be great as well.

Do a little walking in the hills or running on flat ground, get some exercise bands, eat a lot of red meat, get away from the carbs, and you'll feel better than ever.

Reading through you post again, you say "mostly" carb free, does that mean you have some? I have been eating like this for 3 days now, nothing but fatty meats, water, black coffee and keeping a small portion of mashed potatoes and spinach. Im not tired but i feel like my head is in a cloud. My stomach as certainly debloated a lot.

Posted:  4 years, 4 months ago

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Proper fitness and nutrition on the road: how do you go about it?

Hey Chris.

I train under a professional coach full time for alpine climbing and have been for about 2 1/2 years. I've always been an athlete.

Over the years I did some research on nutrition and one time decided I had better look into this vegetarian thing, as much as I'd rather not. It turns out what I discovered was the polar opposite - the carnivore diet - which means eating animal products only like meat, eggs, and dairy.

Back in the day, they used to say that carbs fueled us, red meat and fat killed us. They could not have been more wrong about red meat and fat. We desperately need both and plenty of it.

A couple of years ago I switched to a mostly carnivore diet, cut out almost all carbs, and never looked back. I've never been more fit, lean, or energetic in my life, and I just turned 49.

It takes about a month to switch over to a carnivore diet and get off carbs. If you cut the carbs out too quickly, your energy will crash and you won't be able to get your head off the pillow. You must let your body slowly evolve away from burning carbs and over to burning fat.

I know it sounds insane to say, "Eat a ton of red meat and no vegetables" because we were told the opposite for decades. But I've done it for quite some time and it was Dr. Shawn Baker that turned me onto it:

Dr Shawn Baker - Carnivore Diet

Get off the carbs and a long list of problems disappears - hunger cravings, volatile blood-sugar levels, bloating, volatile energy levels, weight gain, and a million others.

If I sway from my routine and start packing in carbs for a few days I come unglued. I feel bloated, my energy levels spike and drop, and I get food cravings like mad. Once I get back to my carnivore diet I feel utterly fantastic.

As far as exercise, I used to carry a couple of dumbbells with me and I went running a lot. At the time I had never heard of those exercise bands, but that's what I would use today instead of dumbbells. I also do a lot of yoga, which I believe is critically important for our health.

Slowly get away from carbs and focus on eggs, meat, and dairy and after a few weeks, you'll feel better than you ever have. Some people like the Paleo diet, which I believe is low carb but has veggies. That would be great as well.

Do a little walking in the hills or running on flat ground, get some exercise bands, eat a lot of red meat, get away from the carbs, and you'll feel better than ever.

I have heard of this on several occasions. I wonder if this diet would be beneficial in bulking phases too? When I do a 5x5 routine, I have to be in a calorie surplus because I'll lose weight, just not the right weight, which is difficult to do without carbs.

Of course the goal right now is to cut the fat before going into a surplus again.

I am going to read further into this, thank you for the insight.

Posted:  4 years, 4 months ago

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Proper fitness and nutrition on the road: how do you go about it?

I don't have a problem working out, when I'm running our regional account, I just sock away my barbell, bench and weights in the closed headache rack, so long as I'm under 32,000lbs empty, it doesn't matter.

I am struggling with food consumption however. My calorie goals are met and sometimes busted through.

My delimma is not staying on track or lacking discipline. I have many items in the truck to cook and do often, however sometimes I can't resist the urge to take the easy way and splurge on the carbohydrates. Last night I got mashed potatoes, green beans, mac n cheese and half the serving of that oh so unhealthy meatloaf.

I can't help but wonder, are the green beans and mashed potatoes any resemblance of healthy?

Are Pilot scrambled eggs any good either?

I suppose I'm asking, how do I remained disciplined when all my favorite non-healthy foods are constantly shoved in my face? If I can't be 100%, are some of the items at least semi-healthy?

I am currently at 27% bodyfat and looking to take myself to 15% which isn't cut, but also within normal parameters for a healthy male.

Posted:  4 years, 6 months ago

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Anger - Not from trucking, it's a personal matter.

Sysco has guard shacks? shocked.png

I'd say they are hardly guards, haha. However, being that there are plenty of preloads out here, it is important to have them. However, they can't give out BOLs on Saturdays for the loads, they can at 0700. My trailer is loaded, I walk over to the trailer every now and again to check that the reefer is operating correctly although it's not my responsibility as of yet. It's about a half a mile from where the dedicated building is.

Posted:  4 years, 6 months ago

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Anger - Not from trucking, it's a personal matter.

I am going to keep this short, but in the past, I have been an angry person.

I blamed trucking, I blamed this person and that person, but in the end, anger comes from within, outside factors are only a symptom. I used to yell at people on the CB, get mad at guys taking too long on the pumps, and even judged people for the way they looked.

One thing in life will always hold true, however, that in which we project on others in only a mirror of what we dislike about our selves.

I have combated these problems through self-reflection in the form of meditation and exercise. I have found the more I eat right, walk, do my yoga, and practice keeping a zen attitude when things get stressful, the better I feel, and the more others enjoy being in my presence.

As you can see, one thing in this post holds true, everything that can be done to make our lives better leads back to ourselves.

Anywho, I am sitting at Sysco in Front Royal, getting ready to hit the hay so I can run early in the morning once the guard shack opens, I thought I would share this little bit of hindsight with my fellow drivers.

Peace be with you, Chris

Posted:  6 years ago

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I have a problem with keeping my eating out spending low... How can I discipline myself?

I find myself at Walmart, I procure all of my healthy necessary desires as fsr ss eating goes, I even allow myself a couple goodies to contain the beast. I tell myself I will koderate my food intake, but then something happens, I eat lack the desire to cook after having driven 10 hours, or had a 20+ hour day, because you know, i'm a flatbedder. I have my steaks that I LOVE, brocolli and spinach in cream which I love!

The vegis are easy, i nuke them, they are dismantled within a week, never to be seen again, but the steaks and other meats sit in my freezer, just staying all frozen and what not. Those tasty buzzards taunt me. Then I go to Denny's because they have steak I don't have to personally cook and amazing lemonade.

I find the time to work out like a beast znd I have a body that some desire, but rarely find the time to cook.

My main spenders are ihop, denny's, huddle house, and pilot coffee.

I have added up my last 8 months and I spend an average of $900 a month on easy food.

What can I do to curb my desire for easy food and reduce my spending? I need an idea of how to discipline myself.

When I am home, my lady motivates me, she doesn't really cook much, but I like to give her the best, so I cook when I am home with her and my son. Then again, when i'm there the only work I'm doing is not tiring in the least bit. Is my desire for more money just not enough or am I just an undisciplined fool?

Posted:  6 years, 8 months ago

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I80 vs I70

Going from St. Louis to salt lake city. It's been along time since I've been on I70. Usually when I go west it's either I80 or I40. How different is I70 compared to I80 in terms of hills, truck stops etc? And no I will not take I70 west of Denver!

I much prefer i80 to i70, except Wyoming, but Colorado isn't much better. Lol

Posted:  6 years, 8 months ago

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I went local, and I'm not sure if I'm happy anymore, any advice?

So, my significant other wanted me to try out a local job, so I applied and within a week I got an interview. Three weeks later I went in and got the job. Two week after that I started.

I have now worked here for three weeks, and I have missed the road for the last two weeks.

I switched from flatbedding to beer hauling, I am no stranger to hard work, but what is the point of being local when I get up at 4am and get off at 5 to 6pm only to go to sleep and basically be on the same schedule I was on the road. The only difference is now I get to have arguments before bed more often..

Not to mention my yearly income dropping from an average of $70k to 42k...

Anywho, the company I left, that I actually really liked gives drivers 30 days to come back with no orientation, just go through benefits and get a truck and get back to it.

What would you do what else would you look at?

Posted:  6 years, 10 months ago

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Patience at the pumps

That one ****es me off, here is one. Driver blocked me on for 30 MINUTES! So I did what any rational person would do, I yanked and held the airhorn until I embarrassed hos stupid self. He didn't have a CB, everyone was ****ed at a few of these guys.

Posted:  6 years, 10 months ago

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Got an interview for a local position...

I'll also note, I've been driving for them for awhile, I'm not just up and leaving. This has become a way of life for me, but I feel the need to change it, even though flatbedding, I find myself skimping on meals and errr... gaining weight.

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