Profile For Dennis S.

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    9 years, 10 months ago

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Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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Best way to get CDL without indentured servitude

Thanks for great information. This is an excellent online professional community. You guys have your **** together. If I do choose trucking as a career I will definitely be a contributing member.

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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Best way to get CDL without indentured servitude

Hope I didn't offend anyone with my previous post. If I knew how to remove the post I would do so. Ive read some of the blogs and its obvious some folks are comfortable spending long periods of time with someone else in a small space doable and satisfying. Probably more of a reflection on my personal shortcomings. My kneejerk reaction was that I would need to have some decompression time. Maybe it just takes getting used to. Best regards to everyone, you have great people on your forum and provide a valuable service.

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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Any suggestions on how to stay healthy?

Still researching this truck driving thing. Any suggestions on how to eat healthy, get enough exercise, and just generally keep from physically falling apart? Thanks

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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Best way to get CDL without indentured servitude

Editor's Note: At Trucking Truth we feel the best way to get your cdl is through a paid CDL training program.

We have an article that will help clarify why we feel that way: Why I Prefer Paid CDL Training Over Private CDL Training

Im 61, retired a little early , and am considering trucking for a few years before diving into my 401k and social security.

I called ... CRST I think it was, and they paid for training, but they expect you to drive as a team with another guy for 27 days out of 30, before getting 3 days off. Am I missing something... 24 hours a day for 27 days in a little tin box? Don't people lose their minds?!! If they did that to animals they would end up killing each other!

Then I looked into CR England... they train you, but they put a lot of pressure on you to lease one of their trucks before you even know whether you will like the profession. Evidently a high interest rate on the tuition they charge for the training has something to do with it.

I don't mind being out on the road a lot, as I'm by myself, but I would need to have a day or two off a week... or maybe even drive locally. Is that possible? I don't want to get rich... just make enough money to live on for a few years. If I pay for training out of my own pocket can I do that? Thanks for any advice

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