Profile For Keith L.

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Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Information on ABF Freight, YRC Freight and UPS Frieght Road Driver Jobs


Your input is important to me, what can you tell me about ABF Veteran Driving Program, its indorsed with both DOD and the Teamsters.

Untii Woody shows up, I'll say this much Keith. Between the three, I'd probably roll with UPSF or ABF first, and YRC last. YRC takes an automatic 15% off the top of your paycheck because of a collective vote by the drivers to "help the company out." Look into it. Based on some things I've read and what drivers have told me, YRC doesn't seem like a stable company to me. And their pension has changed over the years. I wouldn't put my trust in it.

ABF doesn't give vacations till TWO YEARS of service. That's a huge deal breaker for a lot of folks.

UPSF is strict and seems to micro manage, from how much facial hair you can wear to the uniform on your body. UPSF is probably the top paying LTL carrier, but you start out pretty low and have to work your way up through scheduled raises.

Politics aside, I've found that the union shops and non-union LTL companies are pretty comparable when all is said and done - if you're just looking at paychecks. I work for Old Dominion and wouldn't dream of leaving for UPSF, ABF, and especially YRC. Unless you're dead set on a union shop, you should also look into OD, Estes, Conway-Freight, Fed Ex Freight, and possibly Saia, depending on what part of the country you're in.

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Information on Teamster (Union) Car Hauling Companies ( Cassens, Jack Cooper, United Road logistics, Allied)

1) Benefits 2) Does a particular city increase your ability to work more example Kansas City 3) Work Environment 4) Average pay per week $$$$$ 5) Miles per week or loads to loaded and delivered


Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Information on ABF Freight, YRC Freight and UPS Frieght Road Driver Jobs

Looking for info on those companies, questions

ABF Freight YRC Freight UPS Freight

1) driving-work/loads available 2) overtime, 3) pensions $$ average monthly (20-25 of service) 4) Working Environment 5) Cities to work apply in vs. cities not to work in (EXAMPLE) : Atlanta 6. Benefits (401k/ health care/ etc) 7) There driver training Programs, ABF and YRC


Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Information on Teamster Jobs

Are Teamster's permitted to go from one union job to another, example, ABF Freight to UPS. What needs to happen, 401K change, health Care etc. I'm preparing to retire from the Military in eight months and looking for a Teamster driving Job.

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