Profile For Adam G.

Adam G.'s Info

  • Location:
    Camden, SC

  • Driving Status:
    Experienced Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    10 years ago

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Posted:  10 years ago

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What is the weirdest/coolest/interesting Freight you have hauled?

I once hauled a load of slinkys, the trailer was packed to the ceiling with boxes of them. All I could think about during the ride is if I, god forbid, have a roll over, that this would be the funniest roll over in the world! Thousands of slinkys everywhere. Dark humor I suppose. :D.

I also hauled a load of loose coins to Atlanta once, it was weird have a bunch of money in a dry van, with no escort.

Posted:  10 years ago

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Is trucking getting safer or more dangerous?

David, firstly, being safe and secure in your truck at night is the primary concern of every driver in this country when he or she prepares to shut down for some LOVELY shut eye. Unless you're in a security patrolled yard with fences and guard towers, the possibility of being in danger is there. With that said, most truck stops and rest areas are safe places to Shut down. There are horror stories out there, ones of truck robberies, thefts, beatings, and even murders. I would be interested to know the statistics on home invasions and robberies when compared to truck break ins. I would imagine the numbers would indicate it's safer to sleep in your truck, rather than your home. Secondly, the fears you have are real, and the risks involved with this job are real. As professional drivers we have to deal with these facts day to day. The most important element in keeping yourself and your rig safe during your ten hour break is trip planning. Planning makes the difference between a prepared driver, with a plan, and a couple of contingency plans, and a desperate driver who must find last minute solutions to his or her parking needs. I believe I can proudly speak for all drivers here when I say we have, and will probably again in the future, slept in a location less than desirable. It's simply part of the career. State governments and large truck service oriented companies provide plenty of data, booklets, and information on parking for breaks. Take advantage! Thirdly, your personal safety is paramount. After your safety comes the safety of those around you, i.e. the motoring pubic, and then comes the safety of your rig and your load. Established drivers have tuned the ability to stay safe into an artform, that they practice day in and day out. This artform doesn't come easy, theres blood, sweet, and regret involved.

Don't let fear of the unknown keep you from enjoying a full filling career. Don't take this profession lightly either. Drivers are killed in accidents and other incidents every year. Know your limitations and abide by them, prepare yourself for challenges, and the reality of the dangers involved. Planning and preparation will keep you Healthy and moving.

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